dafremen All of this man-bashing media is getting ridiculous..the backlash has begun. It's not just male nerves that are being worn thin, either. Trying to frame men for the backstab against them that began over 100 years ago is beyond shady. It's like trying to apply historical concealer. No ladies, you and the richies did this together over the past century.

They used your legitimate grievances to turn you into full on backstabbers.

(Sure, working class men played the part of horny, brute idiots too...but hoo boy. Who's acting less like a lady these days and whose decision was that..mama bear? 🐻Rawr.)

If you are the man-basher who this doesn't apply to, feel free to elucidate. Can't wait for the refreshing read.

83% of single parent households are single MOMS. 1/3 of all of the men out there were raised in single parent homes. Of the other 2/3rds? Daycare (92.1% women) then elementary school (80.5% women). Women whether intentionally or not, created these predatory men who lie and hope to be forgiven forever. It's what mommy's insecure over-nurturing taught them. Likewise, women who are lied to continuously, stop trusting men.

Anyone having fun yet?

Then these (understandably) bitter women complain about and/or fight with men in front of their sons. These kids either believe them and later have issues with men themselves..or realize that their mothers made it difficult for them to assimilate into manhood, and start acting like the only male role models they had who were (apparently) irresponsible and manipulative. You know shallow, like many young men with looks or money tend to be. See how that vicious cycle works? See why great grandma said to keep your legs closed? She knew how shallow, silly and stupid young people can be. And young women go after the worst men almost by default...because shallow.

(Don't even get me started on the BOOM of bitter women and sex addicted men who came out of the "sexual revolution" where millions of teens decided to decide for themselves. 🤢)

Women raising boys without a male role model made these awful men possible. And the media made these awful women possible and the rich control the media.

(One thing that helped some kids? Boot camp. Don't be mad if I yell sometimes when folks aren't doing the right thing. Boot camp instructors were the first real male role models some of us had. And maybe stop bashing the military if you're not going to raise your sons properly.)

Now? A good portion of the younger women out there are trying to find some way of getting out of the workforce and into a domestic situation. (180 much, grrrrls?) This is AFTER the mighty "liberation" experiment stagnated wages, raised prices in the real estate market, disintegrated working class unity and pulled the rug out from once strong labor movements.

Somehow these young women have to do this without women's "liberation" losing face( and taking at least partial responsibility for our obliterated middle class.)

So they're all "players" now, shopping for a simp with money or..

.."mama bears" trying to build their retirement out of children. They'll drain any (and every) man's youth they can, to pay for that army until it's old enough to support itself.

No wonder so many men are just fishing for something casual. Who wants to end up in a trap, slaving for a bunch of people who won't appreciate it or support you emotionally when you choose to do your own thing? Women didn't. Why would men?

That's why it seems stupid to get domestic with someone these days, when so many women change into "mama bear" or "bitchtress" once they think they have their man "tamed" or the kids come along.

When he loses interest because she's not emotionally available (in a positive way) she complains that "he's changed". Passive aggression has always been ninja cool like that.

No wonder so many messed up little boys are running to put dresses on. Many of them only had women when they were kids..and now those same women are trying to frame men as monsters and exclude them from the "circle of love" that they always knew as children.

Just a continuation of the economic and emotional backstab that the working class didn't see coming from inside our homes. Irony that it snuck in through the radios and TV sets that we paid for, so the rich could whisper in middle class women's ears while their partners were at work; profiting off of her stupidity as she began to ignore our kids in favor of content..eventually dropping them off at daycare to pursue something more exciting that she'd heard about from a richie's writers.

Maybe stop the man-bashing. It's part of an overall campaign to divide the working class by as many metrics as their champagne-sipping asses can come up with.

Go bash rich folks for a change, instead of giggling, fawning over and twirling your hair at them. I mean, we destroyed our families and hurt our children for them. Go tell them how awful they are. Go make them feel like monsters for turning us all back into animals. Go bash THOSE men for awhile..mama bear. Not the poor working slob that your aunties and their girlfriends raised.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming..
what's it to you?
who go