drstrangelove in in yeah i know i werent that good at it but i still miss it. 030520
-Jessica- you're also not good in grammer 030520
niska ...with grammar. 030520
unhinged ....and maybe that was meant to be a pun. 030521
onlyme it's been a week today. 030521
ClairE With you. I miss the touching and the laughing and the holding. I miss being sleepy and being awake and being sleepy. I miss awkward feet under the covers and I miss the contentment I feel when I have you as close as possible. It's as comfortable as I get. 030521
girl_jane But I'd rather be without it than have it mean nothing...

I can wait a little longer for you.
little wonder and maybe it's not so much the sex that I miss, but what's before and after the sex.

or maybe it's just the general vicinity of your bed that I miss.

really it's the closeness I'm missing. I don't give a shit that I'm not having sex right now, and that it's been over 2 months, and there's a good possibility it will never happen with you again. there. never happen with you again.

i'm actually just afraid.
... ohh yeah, i_miss_sex 030530
x no , i don't 030530
shh i wake in a trance-like stupor, after an insomniac night of regurgitated memories, and feel a hand resting lovingly on my naked chest. so soft and warm in the early morning light. after a while it starts to move, and slowly slides down to touch my completely solid cock through the pajama pants that are the only thing i have on. i start to roll towards my lover. suddenly my elbow hurts in a strange, twisting way. oh wait, nope. that's my hand. 031127
once again It's nto the sex it miss, that hasty violation... It's not the smell of sweat and cum that fills my dreams. Not the accidents of life that sex is full of... I don't miss the sex... I miss you lips on mine... I miss your arms around me... it's so unfair to tease with things that have nothing to do with sex. They tell you when you're young that a kiss is not a promise... and you're head knows it's true... it's convincing those other parts it's true. 031128
unhinged oh god

it's been too long

girl_jane This is the longest I've gone without it since I lost my virginity. 040104
misstree it's been so long i barely remember what it's like. 040105
Lie Detector don't lie misstree! 040105
misstree is a naughty girl damn... i was seeing how long it would take someone to catch me on that one, if at all... what was that, a half an hour? sheesh... 040105
Lie Detector don't lie misstree! 040105
you know who Lie detector is malfunctioning. 040105
misstree i musta broke it.
and i haven't even been posting the really interesting stories as of late (though that may change). just ask minnesota_chris.
minnesota_chris you are Miss Sex 040105
mRe i_miss_sex!
you go with me,
we bump_uglies!
minnesota_chris mRe? Meal-ready-to-eat? 040106
nomatter three weeks today
i went so long without it before, but now it's so much harder.
Syrope used to i couldn't go 2 weeks...now i'm a little better
but damn, i need to get laid

i need the cuddling, the nuzzling, the laying together always...but i'd settle for just_sex at this point.
misstree there have been three great droughts in times recent enough to be worth considering.

there were oases of relief during each one, but these brief repasts were not enough to revitalize.

this, the third and most terrible drought, is making me a damn cranky individual. not as cranky as one would think, nor as cranky as i would be if i were out boozing in my normal way.

but dammit there's just no call for the universal vibe of "shut tree down" that's been going on lately. yes, part of it is pickiness. up until sunday, there were one or two gents i could call on in a pinch. one i know i couldn't resort to, and the other could go either way. but it's been two and a half months with one drunken, half-remembered tumble and a bit o' pleasing foreplay that's never had follow through.

and it's not just cheap anonymous sex that i miss. in fact, i don't think it's truly the sex at all.

it's the pleasure. it's getting out of my head for a little bit, it's being drowned and gasping, it's a place i can fall into and it's why i'm so picky. there needs must be a combination of skill and trust for me to go away. not emotional attachment, but recognition of strength. or somesuch.

it is the pleasure. it's the experience. it's why i enjoy wielding a belt on a stranger (or familiar), because i get to go into a little-used part of my brain that is very calm and serene and vicious.

i miss snarling and writhing and sending myself into the other person and absence of thought, of inner dialogue, and touch is a boiling sea and it's delicious.

come home soon, sex. you're needed.
Lemon_Soda Not physically, but i really miss the closeness. I've in my head the idea of a mate, life partner that is, but I don't have the drive to really pursue it right now. THe bind is, I"m not so hot on the random sex with random, or even intimately familiar, people. I want someone to be there that I have the option of doing that with... 051215
what's it to you?
who go