Aimee I understand and respect everyone's first amendment right to speak their opinion... so now I would like to use my right to speak my mind.

I don't blathe much anymore. Not that I expect many to notice, but I just thought I'd say that. In the last 6 months to a year, I've noticed a new trend on blather. It's called blathing to hear yourself blathe and to raise your word count. Most of the things blathed on here are pointless drivel. And I'm even vaguely certain that the responses I get from this blathe are going to be pointless, and insulting. There maybe a few people brave enough to agree with me. I remember I used to idolize blather. I came here every day after school, sat down and typed my self-important drivel and thought, "Damn, I'm cool." but you know what, I'm not cool and the crap I've said on here is just that... crap. I've made friends, I've made enemies... but even the friends I've made, I rarely talk to. I used to come here intrigued with what everyone had to say during the time I was at school/class. But lately, I come here and feel stupid. I feel like this site actually makes people stupider. I mean, all it is, is a place where people come to say "look at me, look at me!" In fact, there are people on here that do it with such fervor that it actually makes me ill. It's like watching Degrassi. I'm usually relieved when I click on a link, and find a poem, because it means at least someone on here has the capacity to think. I'm not addressing this to anyone in particular, I'm just calling it as I see it, or rather, perceive it. But oh well.... I hope this at least helps someone positively... and those who can't refrain from writing some rude response sprinkled with colourful metaphors, I hope you feel better when you're done...

yenaldlosi maybe, maybe not, who's to say really. all words, just words. some pretty some ugly, some banal 021125
p2 heh
i feel the need to reply
simply because i have
a big blather_mouth
yes, i do blather a lot
and yes, it is all nonsense
but i don't blather
for the sake of blathering
i blather as a mental exercise
we each have our own reasons for blathering
and that's mine
i do admit though
that i've been rather disappointed
in my lack of poetry
but hey
i'm used to disappointment
gay gizmo not all of us are witty and cycnical. Not all of us can write poetry. But there is one common denominator that brings us all here. We all want to be heard. Wether its about nothing or everything. We each come here with something on our mind that we need to get out. While it may be true that alot of it is just drivel.....whats so wrong with drivel? What entertains you, may not entertain me. What I find interesting on this site, you may not. And thats the beauty of it. Everything on here is nothing, but at the same time, everything....if that makes any sense at all 021125
daxle noticed a long time ago, gotten over it
i don't write poetry
i'm not always insightful
i don't care
i am here
that is all
p2 a poem for aimee

aimee aimee bo baimee
banana fana fo faimee
me my mo maimee

ok, my poetry quota
has been filled for the month
tourist I think of Blather as the
Random Access Memory Dump.
Or that is My Main Use For It.
A place to sit down and Spill
The Contents of my Brain,
Stir them Around,
And Study the Resulting Stain.
Often There Is No Point to my Rambling.
Nuff Said?
DannyH I've always thought the semidetatched social/confessional nature of blather is part of what makes it so intriguing. It reflects the outside world in a kalaedoscopic way. Here people flirt, gossip, boast and whine in the same format they publish, create and philosophise. Its the tension between the two I get off on. 021126
sabbie i cant hear anything 021126
the hogfather i agree with tourist. 021230
megan i blathe because i need to. it's saying what i cannot say. it's to let people know that i have a voice amidst everything. aimee, i respect your opinion. but, you're contradicting yourself. you blathed about blathing about nothing. and in the process of doing so, you did exactly that, blathed about nothing in particular. please do not cut down the rest of us, simply because you cannot fix that which is in yourself. 021230
Arwyn Megan, you are attacking someone you could never possibly understand.

Perhaps you should try reading satire.
p2 *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap*
*tap* *tap* *tap*
*tap* *tap* *tap*
*tap* *tap* *tap* *tap*
*tap* *tap*
pity oh Megan, I feel sorry for you. 030101
megan sorry. 030101
. hmm 050102
meta meta 060316
Twitch yep...One of my uses for blather is a release for pointless thoughts and stupid emotions.

I'm sure I just want attention or something, but it's fun to read blathes from a while ago...even the pointless shit that just takes up space.

So basically I'm agreeing with you. Sometimes , it's nice to read what over what I've written, however pointless it is, just because it brings back memories of the moment that I typed it.
falling_alone this argument is timeless.

but always have me rethink everything i've typed so the argument starts to apply to me.

reading these things makes me depressed and now i'm typing mindless dribble.
what's it to you?
who go