Lila Pause They only ever break your heart.

Piano players are a lot more considerate.
puredream My ass they are. 040623
Well... Elton John would never break your heart. 040623
puredream Cause he's gay! 040623
puredream Hmmm I am pretty sure that I'm a sucker for musicians... is that why I'm still alone and miserable?


Guitar players suck...cause they hurt the most.

Piano players you will love with all your heart and they will never realise it.

Singers... well they just forget you exist.

Basson players and Clarinet players are short short relationships.

Trumpet players run your heart across hot pavement for entertainment.

Tuba and Baritone players aren't even worth talking to.

Flute players? Ahem.

Trombones are compulsive liars.

Percussionists...are in love with their hair.

Just TRY to have a conversation on a solid topic with a bass player. EEK!

I think I'm having too much fun with this. IT's sterotypicalness and overall summation of my experiences is laughable. Oh sighs.

I love musicians.
Borealis piano players are probably the most aloof, inconsiderate, insecure, unpredictable, and potentially egotistically challenged people who have EVER walked the face of the earth.

guitar players..range in faces..but tend to be irresistable if they're ANY good.

and drummers..
drummers will never completely understand.
puredream So is this why I love you? 040623
Borealis given that you are drawn to people who desperately desperately need your love..I suppose so..yes..that is why you love me.

I personally..would never love me.
funny, I've never gone for another piano player.
dudeinanigloo Hey you didn't mention saxophone players, puredream. What are they like?

I also play the piano pretty well, I think. I can also play drum set and a little bass guitar, but not as seriously, so I think I would fit into only two categories.
puredream Sorry.. Saxophones players are loud, and obnoxious.... and also full of themselves and their sound... and can't kiss worth a damn.... 040624
puredream Btw Thomas what are you doing up at 2AM!!!! 040624
witchesrequiem Iam glad to see I'm not the only band geek here!

I am so tired of dateing musicians....period.

I sing and play several things but, DAMN!

pure is right.

Guitar players are good for a few years but assholes in general.

Bass players you have to pretty much rape b/c they have no fucking clue whats up..

Drummers are good in bed but I find a bit clingy.

Singers...most think they are God himself ..and pretty much use u, forget u, or do the complete opposite and stalk u.

Keyboard players...STALKERS.. and flaky too.

Every thing else goes back to before I was 16 and really dosen't count.

I wonder what you guys think about female musicians.
ex- vocalist My rational is that the piano player has at least some sensitivity/compassion because, afterall, they decided to stick with the piano knowing that they would always play second fiddle to the guitar player, who is usually the real star onstage after you discount the fact that the vocalist is not a real musician at all. 040624
. I wonder what you guys think about female musicians.

who says we we are not talking about female musicians ;)
puredream You're quite right. I was talking about a combination of musical sexualities and combinations in general. But I am a bacg geek, that's for surely. 040624
yeesh BAND I MEANT BAND!!! 040624
JdAwG Guitar players are idiots..and useless as well. And I would know. 040624
puredream Fun to kiss though. Fuckers. 040624
JdAwG I know! Those sons of bitches...although I HAVE heard good thing aboot bass clarinet players. Any thoughts? (And Ashley, this is your cue to not say anything...) 040624
puredream *laughs* *cocks head to side* Whatcha up to now? 040624
puredream *bites lip* 040624
unhinged T - rouble

really that's all anyone has to say about this.

musicians tend to be assholes because anyone that cares enough to call them a musician has one all-consuming passion that is not going to take the back seat to anyone --- music. so you know, they need the human contact, love, sex, whatever, so they get into a relationship. but they already had a relationship to begin with that you could never even begin to compete with. and musicians tend to be drawn to each other cause we know this. and anybody knows that talent is damn hot.

tuba players ARE worth talking to. i've had crushes on quite a few when i think about it. there was tasty ass and evo in youngstown and there's jason here. and all of them were smart, capable, talented, hot dudes. and evo hooked me up back in the day and we had our evening smokes together watching weird t.v. or listening to weird music afterwards.

yeah, guitar players are cocky assholes. we know this. it is a proven fact.

bass players aren't necessarily dumb though. my last ex was a bass player and he wasn't dumb at all; a little self-absorbed and clueless but i could hold an intelligent coversation with him when he wasn't asking for sex.

generalizing is fun. i guess my generalizations just differ from yours.
Borealis I'm afraid I'd still like to think that the "other" relationship a person has with music, doesn't necessarily need to take away from one he establishes with another person.
particularily if said other person is a musician..but then again..but may explain a few things in the past.

depends on the motives I suppose.
I've met intelligent people who lost any coherence and ability to hold an intelligent conversation upon picking up a bass.

and this is me taking my cue not to say anything:
bass clarinet players are hot.
thanks jess. :)
Borealis quoting puredream "clarinet players can kiss" 040627
JdAwG Im sort of surprised Dax hasn't had snything to say about guitar players. I don't think he's too fond of us. 040628
Jess Are cool!
Lise is the guitarist in Gerrard's Monkey and I love her!
It's the singers you want to watch out for!
I'm the drummer in Gerrard's Monkey, but I'm no drummer, I'm just a joker who sits behind the drum kit!
I really play organ!
Everyone forgets us organists!
Piano players are judged harshly!
I love Chief!
unhinged .

(to the way back up there very first post; so appropriate to her love life i might just email it to her)
what's it to you?
who go