it: persistent confuse butter ha confusing penis she: "you are so persistent", cocoa butter kids, confused it: fancy monkey secret food therapeutic flashed rename vannetter conciousness she: "needs a new name" it: security flow harmony transfixed sugar homo identity done close she: a name (blathes: identity) it: drowning quintessensual possibly she: {receives a "surprise" email} it: fling divorced woman she: ok... it: oaieng kennel plerk suburban litotes unhappy dogma powder endless forever dali parallel awake relative girlfriend cream hurt levity soleil hiccup metatags forever joy crimson she: that's nice it: green etoys graces river dragon irish starlite untrained shallow backdoor krill sniffle in_between independant just hiding miss whipping am_stram_gram frigid bad she: rhymes, with my accent it: mine name soon she: okay...(blathes: three_words) it: ain't kill orangutan transfixed straight snowmobile maxine hydrochoric_acid anon she: "Maxine!" being john malkovich. it: werewolf pituitary diaper mad planning hallucanitory lucky jazzy piss escape reality burble she: burble's not too much of an escape... it: terrible finn kissed she: that's too bad. it: macchiato anything fearful except remarried fire she: ... it: devil often meteorology fancy popular raindrop interesting promotion against she: oxymoron it: star cracker insect spit compliments crypticism moisture miss catastrophe she: {checks yahoo news} it: food blergh dice foil relative cynicism seattle mad deviation eye invisible sugar_mice shit weary definitely she: definitely? it: naked revenge dj notes jinkies y2k beaver sheep chasing_amy_theory solidarity withered gopher plank_length fallibleness guilty star king_of_hearts squirrel pond gopher intertwined she: hey gopher is in a different spot it: heavy frissing our play xerox move she: what's the cat doing? it: churn by shakespeare she: that's pretty cool it: ha fish bitter_suite saliva avoid coincidence she: i can't it: churn wild ink she: churn. (websearches churn + shakespeare for a possible new name, blathes: puck) it: foil reading taunt youth chiaroscuro 29 tangent plerk xerox she: xerox and plerk are in new spots! it: good motivation wrong she: {feels like puck was wrong, but a good try} it: flesh d payment she: morbid. pay with your flesh. death. it: discrete explanation suicide she: !!!!!!!! {sits for awhile} sorry, no thank you. {remembers another similar instance} it: xoxoxoxoxoxo chiklets impatience she: {scared} forget your evil impatience it: mind xenomorph shadows she: xenomorph is one of my (many) favorites. it: oneness seems porcupine she: really porcupine! it: fair visitant collapse rhymes addicted zed 27 without meaningless she: {a bit relieved} good. meaningless. it: fault place eggnog she: placing blame... it: month abba depressed she: depressed people. a month. it: zoophilic difference banshee she: screaming banshees, monkeys it: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious wandering comestible exc unmordanted our she: is mordant morbid? (check unmordanted, no) it: hoax got dry she: good...? it: blind_curve polite pontificate she: ... it: steal new_moon jack_of_diamonds knowledge teardrop total she: i'd rather not think about it anymore. it: plane e birthday alanis blergh minde she: i haven't told to whole alanis story yet. it: open every just she: no more it: fallway his wifebeater jack hibiscus ideology she: that's it. i'm killing time here, and this is a record of it. posted 10 pm PST, 1/6/00. food therapeutic flashed
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that last part (food therapeutic flashed) was a mistake.
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I don't think so. (food therapeutic flashed) was not a mistake . my vote is . "to keep it"
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yes! let's! let's! ....pweeeze?
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and say we did
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let's not pretend we don't mind too much anymore- it's tearing me apart having to watch the second hand spin so slow, the phone sitting silent, laughing at me with every circulation i'm the perverbial child stuck in time-out staring at the flowers just outside, longing to play with them "he loves me, he loves me not" but he does love me. i'm just stuck here waiting for him to call or drive around the corner from colorado and scoop me up in his arms and take me back with him would you?
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It's my fault, for whatever reason, be it poverty or laziness leading to poverty. But believe you me... no one wants to see your smile more than I do RIGHT NOW, and no one ever will.
what's it to you?