It came on the radio today. Some man saw my enthusiastic singing through my car window and chuckled at me.
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The Schleiffen Man
my car radio singing experience today was to You Sexy Thing by Hot Chocolate (molly needs no intro to this song). Oh how I sang with fervor while driving to a friend's house. I think i shall make a solo schleiffen plan release to tide me over for the summer....
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birdmads ghost
al_green was on my radio "let's stay together" after fighting the urge to cross the median, i finally faced the fact that she's not going to change her mind. she's not going to walk back into my world and even if she did, i would be a fool to let her back in. c'est la vie. dammit
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Silent Bob
i listened to our song today. i wanted to put it on repeat. but instead of i sighed a little harder, straining to hold back the tears as i put on The_Cure. Robert Smith, really does it for me, ya know? shit. If Alicia is the sunshine of my life, then lonliness is the fucking moon.
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ass facely man on the street
concentration moon
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everytime i hear that song by Aero smith "i dont wanna miss" i remember my exgirlfreind that died in a car accident. Then i put on somethng like slipknot or mudvayne, and instead of crying i end up hurting myself. How stupid is that? well at least i dont cry.
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A real man would cry. There are toxins in your body that can only be eliminated by crying through sadness, that's partially why we feel so much better after crying. I am a man, and I cry. It's natural, it's good.
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Perhaps you should start. Crying can be good for your soul. Just keep it to yourself. I have 4 songs that make me sob uncontrollably and NONE of them reminds me of ex anything. They are just universally acceptable statements on the loneliness of the human condition. Tears In Heaven - Eric Clapton Veronica - Elvis Costello Always On My Mind - Willie Nelson Hard As It Is - Fine Young Cannibals With Honorable Mention going to: Don't Forget About Me - Simple Minds When The Night Comes Down - Judas Priest
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its not that she's my ex its that she died. Thats why that song makes me cry. it was her favorite song. We used to sit on her porch swing and listen to it through her open window. I miss those times so much.
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Remembering dead people you knew DEFINITELY sucks. Then again, like I've said before...life is like the best movie EVER. Gotta have those tear jerking, emotionally charged depressing scenes to have a TRULY great movie. I'll never forget what happened to one of MY ex-girlfriends, it was REALLY f*cked up. About a month or two before I moved back out to IL from California, she had apparently disappeared and hadn't been seen. Well when I pulled into town, I went to a grocery store (The Piggly Wiggly bahahahaah) looking for those community bulletin boards with maybe a For Rent sign. Well I find one, and as I go to pull one of the phone numbers off, I knock this other big poster off of the bulletin board. So I pick it up and when I look at it, it's a MISSING PERSON poster of HER!!!! That REALLY freaked me out, but it gets worse (or better however you want to look at it). About 3 weeks after THAT, I'm in an apartment watching the morning news when they mention that they found some woman who had been missing. They said her remains had been found in a forest preserve and then gave her age, but didn't give any more details. That sent my neck hairs standing up, cuz I just had this FEELING they were talking about her. The next day they identified the woman found...it was her...and she had been chopped up into little pieces and placed in several trash bags then dropped in a creek at the forest preserve. I threw my breakfast up that morning. (I had had a child with her and we had been engaged to be married.) Like I said, life is some SERIOUS entertainment. Even when it ain't happy or funny.
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and im getting fucking sunburned
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Katie Rose
Bobby... you are the sunshine of MY life. Alicia is a wench. And I see her all the time.
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i want three types of shit from different animals and nay, to eat, to indulge in a bowl of shit from they. i need not napkins nor a bib neopoliticians eat neopolitan_shitbowl
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rise, and bring me another moring.
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that would be morning.
what's it to you?