Klarchen im not really certain you are in
Berkerly...it is nearly impossible for
me to find you..please call collect
moonshine BERKELEY 000808
blatherpolice The above post by "Klarchen" is a fake.

Klarchen's identity no longer exists.
Thyartshallshant In Bodfish, California.
Yeah, find THAT on a map.
deb hell

i'm lost without my man with me...
twiggie well? 010114
kinkazoid i live in illinois (also see illinois) if anybody else lives here that would be cool, so you should say "i live in illinois too" ok thanks 010617
black-dyed gel product LI, NY 010617
sabbie in a state of confusion
( having jsut written i_am_sabbies_cats ), but i do own a holiday house here, jsut over that rise of sobbing inmates.

i'm really enjoying my time here: it's really beautiful and always lots of fun.

the scenery can sometimes give you a headache though...
yummychuckle easton, md
my home.
but not...cus ugh jason is hot and what i want but i have Logan. the very hot, talented high Logan.
paste! if you have an arm or two,
give me some directions non-verbally.
i hear that jellyfish leave nasty burns.
did you forget that you are
at the gravy-basted cliffs?
little wonder the longer i have to wait, the more self concious i get. 020201
missingu my aremonray? talk to me. 020521
minnesota_chris I am in St. Paul, in a nice part of town, across the street from a women's college! 021008
minnesota_chris how about you, suicidal? 021008
SuicidalAngel oh sorry, I'm in Duluth 021008
SuicidalAngel I'm moving to NY in about a month though 021008
minnesota_chris how cool! The city? What will you do there? 021008
squint I was just going to ask myself the same question.

I'll get back to me, in a moment...
distorted tendencies Colorado 021008
pushpins pushed 021008
SuicidalAngel I'm going to NY cuz I'm going to be a nanny for a year and make some $$! Yeah I'll be going to either Ny city, New Jersey, Long Island or Conneticut. I'll be living with a wealthy family and I'll have a car to use, payed vacation and holidays. At minimum I'll make $300 a week. Which is okay, but I wont have to worry about rent. It's kind of a weird thing to do, but I have a lot of debt that I need to pay off. So by the time I'm done I'll have enough $$ to get a car, plane ticket, and furnature so I can move out to Denver and live with my friend Desire'e and go to school and get shit figured out. : ) 021009
squint is that sounds awesome.

i dont know what else to say, but i feel like i had to say something...

happy for you
distorted tendencies Denver is nice. 021009
User24 see 24_0017 030331
Freak sadly im still in boring old Corydon Indiana 030331
User24 where on the internet are you, other than blather?

Is blather your exclusive word pot, or do you frequent other messageboards, the usenet, etc?

is just wondering.
p2 ny-f'n-c baby! 031013
p2 user24,
flooble used to have something where you could post
i love _____, i hate _____
but it was taken down
fark is good, lotta funny photoshoppers there
used to go on my martial_arts school's board, but rarely since i've quit (due to monetary deficiency)

oh, and various blogs
misstree central illinois

and blather is the only place that electrons have their way with my words, aside from the occasional ether-based carrier pigeon. nothing else comes close to touching the freedom of this place... boundaries are blurred, there's everything from chatty stuff to philosophical debate to poetry to short stories hereabouts, and they all kind of blend into eachother.
Toxic_Kisses at my Grandmas ^.^

I LoVe My Grandma!! She makes the yummieist oatmeal and raisen cookies and her hugs feel good!! ^.^
Death of a Rose Middle Earth, AB. Canada

Plains and rolling hills.

Mountains in the distance (where I wish to be).

Plains to the east of me.
notme i am everywhere i am 031013
endless desire im really not sure. id like to tell you though. 040113
Kimberly is Novice Jersey! Holla! Northern Jersey, 973! 040309
sab trapped in an office building

kaibutsu plains to the east of me,
mountains to the west,
here i am -
stuck in the mid-west with you.

stuck in the mid-west with you.
mt *grinsngiggles* 040311
. ... and why do I keep looking for you and wondering what you're doing when I don't know. You don't care about what I'm doing and who I'm seeing, why should I bother ! Damn, I must be obsessed. 040322
dudeinanigloo Sitting in front of a computer when I should be out riding my bike on a really nice day... 040604
Jess Underneath Dudeinangloo!
On this page that is!
I wish I was though!
Danio not here 040712
witchesrequiem Where the miississippi turns into alcohol. 040713
shower singer near the sea
next to my dog
close to friends
a long way from the US
almost at the end
a little bit lost
shield56 Stuck in front of my computer, in Ireland, on a miserable day. Wish I could move... 050401
z blather 050401
no reason maybe it's unhealthy to keep asking 060131
z in my body 060210
no reason ugh
i never know where the fuck anyone is
whirligirl and i can't even get past the silly verify cues. it would figure. "who's to blame, i should sue." 080221
whirligirl ha! it worked! it never works. 080221
birdmad good to see you drifting about these blue shores again, whirligirl 080221
whirligirl thanks, birdmad. 080222
ClairE I'm at work in Boston, getting older and having fun. Where's everyone else currently? 090310
fuffle i'm not sure if i understand that but i guess i don't know the full story? it's a shame tho. 090311
z nyc 090312
shpaaaaaaaaaaaa shpaaaaaaaaaaaa 141205
what's it to you?
who go