
& What Have you Done?
Iraq Shock_and_Awe (e.g. Air Strikes) from United_States... 041221
a "point". Bush"s the_Science_of_War


Osama"s the_Art_of_war...
. ahh christmas...a time for love...a time for sex... 041221
monee i have that old commercial going through my head

anyone know which one i mean?
1221 Peace_Talk(s) 041221
. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A somber President Bush said on Tuesday U.S. troops killed in a deadly attack in northern Iraq were on a mission of peace as the heavy death toll presented him with a fresh challenge amid dwindling U.S. support for the war ("a_wrong_War_in_21k"). 041221
falling_alone the song starts playing everytime i read this title, and the words play perfectly, i understand each verse, but all of it is slurred when i try to sing aloud. 041222
Syrope i've been writing a lot lately
not even necessarily like expressing myself writing, just...writing cause i like to see words appear

i want someone i can tell everything. i mean, i can tell plenty of people anything, but there's not really anyone i can tell EVERYTHING. there never has been, because if i told just one person everything, then they'd have some sort of breakdown from trying to reconcile all the different me's they'd been bombarded with

maybe then someone would understand what it's like. it's so repulsive to hear someone who knows nothing about you to mention that they know you really well...or even that they DID at some point, because they didn't. they don't.

i just pulled this fantastic 3 cheese & tomato chicken dish out of my ass and it's so tasty and i'm so proud of myself for not fucking it up (not having even an idea of a recipe makes me so nervous) and then dad has to come online & ask me what i'm doing tomorrow. suddenly i'm not very hungry any more. god, i was hoping that if i didn't admit that tomorrow was the 23rd that i wouldn't have to decide whether or not to go, but now i'm going. but i'm driving myself, so i can leave when it gets unbearable. when, not if. i don't understand how i can be so goddamned satisfied with everything ...seriously the happiest and the best-off i've ever been...and still allow stupid people to ruin things for me.

she said she got me something. "not much, just a little something" ...why!? so then i had to go get her something because we females have been playing these games since the beginning of time, and then today she called and i couldn't answer the phone. i don't WANT to be around anyone for more than a little at a time because i'm scared i might scream into their faces that they bore and disgust me to no end. especially not if they're going to subject me to childish science fiction movies. i really need her to find cling to besides me. it's not gonna work this way

and i miss you. i do. not like over thanksgiving where i ached and pined, but more of a ..."i can't motivate myself to do anything because something is missing" and that's you. you're missing.

i've never given up something i've not been better off without. things have nowhere to go but up.

right now i want christmas to leave me alone. i don't want to think of how i have to spend what's supposed to be such a happy holiday with people i don't like, while you're so far away.
sometime halfway through january i'll wonder what happened to 2004, then i'll move on

it's been a good year
but nothing deserves to be beaten to death
Moment_of_truth _Christmas_isn't_very_merry_for_Iraqi_Christians_... 041222
* So as Americans, specifically Bush (War_president / commander_in_Chief) and Americans in Iraq!!! 041222
U.S. Families Mourn Those Killed in Mosul
AP - 1 hour, 56 minutes ago
a "point". Bush"s

* Peace_talk *
1222 Iraqi Christians Pray for Peace on Sombre Christmas

8 minutes ago
- BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi Christians won't be celebrating Christmas this year. Midnight mass, the centerpiece of Christmas festivities in Iraq, has been canceled... 041222
a "point". _'City_unfit_for_animals'_

1224, 2004 (Christmas Eve)
. Holiday Memories Sharpen the Pain for Families of Soldiers Killed in Iraq 041224
Yahoo! Search Jerusalem patriarch slams Israeli occupation in Christmas mass

Fri Dec 24, 7:31 PM ET

"Our situation is a situation of conflict and of violence, of insecurity and of fear, of military occupation, of the separation barrier, of prison towns, of humiliations,"

"We pray that all walls fall down, those around Bethlehem and the other Palestinian towns, and the walls of hatred in our hearts,"
unhinged this is the worst christmas ever

1) my bro didn't come home from hawaii

2) i think i failed my theory class but i still can't check to know for sure

merry fucking christmas to me
Yahoo! Search Fear Keeps Pews Empty in Baghdad

December 25, 2004

"Before the American invasion of 2003, before the advent of a mysterious and violent campaign against Christians, St. Joseph's drew more than a thousand people to multiple Christmas Eve Masses, standing room only, the staff and worshipers recalled. The highlight was the midnight Mass, after which churchgoers strolled gaily through the streets, visiting one another's homes."
1226 Asian_Tsunami 041226
what's it to you?
who go