wingedSerpent I think i'm gonna quit trying to fly for awhile and spend my time doing the more appropriate thing for someone like me:


What use are well-spun words anyway?

Easy charm is no virtue for a man whose face is a sin unto itself.

Monsters have no use for poetry.

Wouldn' a prosaic barbarian be just another oxymoon anyway?

i am here, but i am not.
wingedSerpent and as if to put the icing on the cake, i managed to misspell half the shit i just wrote

x yeah but you keep trying anyway. flowery sentences can't keep away from your lips. 030313
wingedSerpent for all the good they ever did. 030313
jane i did. and he blew out cigarette smoke in circles of prose as it spiraled out of his lips. he talked so sweetly. he was classy. but i'll never forget the night i fucked eloquence. the night he fucked me over 030314
oldephebe mmm that's GOOOOD blather. :)

shear it all down to the raw and real..male ribaldry has an immediacy and a vulgarity that at once repells and at times bequeaths a grudging respect for it's no equine excrement in your face confrontational let this creed determine the course of my life kind of a commitment...palpable like fists raining blows upon ones head..or battering ram bludgeoning apart the bastions of deleterious tactics and effete obfuscations..be a man dammit!! that's what it seems to say to me..take the lace gloves off..knock over the good tea china..let's have some scotch and bear our hearts our fists our manhoods towards one another...broken, bloody but somehow redeemed out of that crucible...
Expand i heard the term necessary beauty today at school. WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN? I always thought that only the beautiful survive in this world but, to have it as a topic in my spanish class. I avoided it, but now my brain keeps going over it again and again. Are they trying to screw me over this late in the game. Or is it this early? I can never tell. 040224
jimmy durrh sppplurrrt ppphttsshh crabapple 040225
sameolme don't you dare go anywhere near my elephants! 040225
oE bludgeoning apart the bastions and architectures of deleterious and effete tactics of confrontation avoidance. All oblique edges and dishonest discourse.....tear the towers down... 040225
sameolme now that's fucking elephants! 040225
Hal Incadenza I wonder what a really large tusked elephant hide tastes like? 040228
anythingbutcryptic the word fuck has eloquence
the word eloquence is fucked
who needs eloquence when we can have meaning
somebody Eloquence communicates meanings. Meanings communicated without eloquence become garbled. 080111
dafremen Politicians suck balls.

Nope..no eloquence required.
. But what does that mean? Politicians don't actually suck balls, and such a view of politicians is biased and unrealistic. Fun to say, perhaps, but devoid of any real meaning.

No eloquence, no clarity of meaning.
dafremen The meaning was communicated very effectively.

Not only did it say that politicians keep spheres in their mouths which they then apply a vacuum to using their diaphragm muscle; but it also efficiently communicates a certain amount of disdain for said politicians through its imagery, whether that image is of them sucking your balls, my balls, ping pong balls or the balls of their own feet.

Eloquence is not required. It's often more pleasant to have ideas communicated eloquently than otherwise..that's all.
dafremen To ad a caveat to that:

Saying "87" CERTAINLY communicates "10 groups of eight with 7 left over" better than saying "Four-score and seven."

And yet if Lincoln hadn't started his famous Address with that phrase..would it have been as eloquent?

I offer that it would not have been..and yet he chose the less universally known phrase exactly because of the eloquence of it.

Some one is trying to define a technical purpose for an artistic inclination and that's an awful silly thing to do.

Especially around here.
sameolme Eloquence is the struggle to avoid using the phrase: "Words fail to describe..." 080111
sameolme my amusement 080111
sameolme "Words fail to express" is better.

That "express" came to mind as an after thought, illustrates my attraction to eloquence. The relaxation implied by turning a phrase elegantly is a state of mind that is usually impossible for me.
That's why I come here. I have a few moments, and I may encounter language well
. Eloquence highlights signification in a way that surpasses ordinary expression. That's what makes it eloquent.

Eloquence is not synonymous with "purple prose" or "flowery speech". Obviously, it is a highly subjective categorization, and while traditionally associated with delicacy and elegance, it need not be so. Cussing or vulgar expression could ostensibly produce eloquence, though perhaps only rarely.

Certainly eloquence isn't required to communicate... but what a strange thing to revolt against!
. Furthermore, I would argue that "eighty-seven" is modestly eloquent. It's much more so than saying, "one more than one more than [...] one more than one."

Saying "eighty-seven" is more *succinct* than saying "four-score and seven", but I don't find either to be more or less eloquent than the other. "Four score and seven" is more evocative, perhaps.

It is strange, Dafreman, that you would condemn the definition of technical purpose in conjunction with artistic inclination, since by doing so, you do just that. :)
. You know what, I changed my mind. Fuck ME. I'm being a real fuck about this, and to no reasonable end. I take it all back, Daf. Fuck it. That's my real stance on the matter. 080112
dafremen Heheh that was timely. :)

My response (which wouldn't blathe..proving that perhaps the universe was kicking the sh.t out of my attempts..):
Oh were they in conjunction with..? I'm sorry..I was confused when you stated that eloquence is necessary in order ro convey meaning?

What's "exclusionary statement" mean? (Sorry, I'm a high school drop out.)

If you wish to TRY and narrow the definition of how meaning may be conveyed down to "eloquence", by all means, give it your best shot.

The universe intends to kick the ever loving sh.t out of your attempts, though. Just thought that you should know.

Of course, in the end, we both got our asses kicked. Let's just call it what it is. Fuck eloquence.
sameolme Mathematicians speak of an "elegant solution" to a problem. This refers to
a beauty that embodies truth. It is often
connected to an Occam's razorish brevity.
Just as eloquence doesn't mean verbose,
elegance doesn't mean effete.
what's it to you?
who go