why do ppl ask that? I mean do you really excpect others to tell you no, I'm not okay, and here's why exc... No of corce you dont expect that! yet if some one actully told you how they felt it would be ur own fault for asking, not olny that but the question olny seemsed to be asked when your NOT ok, why is that?
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pat sajak
was not was album
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Mahayana: Zakah: Sangha Jewels of Refuge
...is another one of those 'social formality phrases'...such as: Good morning, how are you? [most people really *dont* care, such as those whom are paid to ask you, don't get me wrong, some really do care, if even, getting paid to say it, but the tone of voice usually gives it all away, overly friendly fake=bzzzt wrong i don't care, overly mono tone=bzzttt wrong i don't care, unless you happen to be my old high school science teacher... but that's a different blather story, all in and of, its self] [[#1 are you ok?]] [[[#2 no im not ok, im sassafrass, thank you very much]]] [[[[#1 but..but.. im not very much, im chris]]]] [[[[[#2 see! how does it feel?]]]]] even though it *may* be one of those 'social formality phrases', some people ask cuz they truly do care, and to me its not really *what* a person asks but the very notion that they cared to ask...anything at all, & this is the hidden beauty of *are you ok*. [BTW *are* you ok?] ------------------------------- another Mahayana Hallmark Moment |||| || ||| 2769 520000 CAN. 2.25 U.S.A 1.50
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I mean it when I ask. Even though I know you are never okay.
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no one is. perfect
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it kind of startles you to see my inward pain plain on my face doesn't it? i think i'm getting to old for pretend
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Dack Rambo is my father
"How are you?" "Oh, I'm fine." (Concerned look) "Are you sure?" "Fuck you." How I wish I could actually say that to someone.
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annie are you ok are you ok annie god when that song came out i never heard the end of that yes
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little wonder
she asked me that tonight. she heard me crying through the door. she came in and asked if i was mad at her. she asked me if i wanted to talk. i wanted to say "fuck off, i hate you." but instead i just stared at the screen. if i had said it though, i know i would have meant it.
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another chapter explaining how bird went mad
1988, the winter dance after i had finally worked up the nerve to admit to my best friend that i was in love with her she stonewalled me for days. Then later, in carpool, i had to endure several sessions of knife_twisting (before i could make new ride arrangements) of her talking to all of our friends about how her relationship with her new boyfriend was going (the intensely useless son of an incredibly vapid TV news personality - i had a sociology class with him in college a couple of years later so i know whereof i speak) i became totally despondent and began a lifestyle whose stories i have beaten like a dead_horse here my date stood me up but i went anyway and within the first hour i proceeded to get higher than the space shuttle and went to a bathroom stall to work on the earliest plantings in the scar_garden i gave up and made for the exit, having called my other friends to come and get me the hell out of there so we could do a little business and get a little higher then, for what would be the last time for several years, she suddenly gave a damn again. even though i did my best to stay out of plain sight she caught me slithering toward the exit and as she saw me with my eyes bloodshot and my sleeves still rolled partway up, the razor marks looking like black ink lines under the ugly sodium glow of the orange streetlamps "Are you OK?" she asked in a tone she had not spoken to me in since before my little confession some months earlier i stepped around her and walked out the gate and my last words, without looking back before i disappeared into that night and many of the nights after it "should i be?" in that moment i became the rat_bastard i have been on and off ever since
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Thank you for asking
to answer your question Mahayana I'm not sure I know what "OK" is any more my emotions seem a bit out of wack lately, Extreemly happy, extreemly sad, extreemly angry, extreemly mellow, extreemly this, extreemly that, their rarely seems to be a midle ground as of late, so that being said maybe I'm not "OK" How 'bout you, are you ok?
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what's it to you?