Julie* Order some golf shoes, otherwise we'll never get out this place alive. Impossible to walk in this muck.
I was right in the middle of a fucking reptile zoo. and somebody was given booze to these goddamn things. Wont be long now, before they tear us to shreds
carne de metal CAN YOU HEAR ME!!!!? 020328
silentbob "Hey man look what GOD did"

"God didnt do taht. YOU DID! I Knew you were a FUCKING NARCOTICS AGENT!"
dionysos Nothing is so despicable as a man in the depths of an ether binge. 020328
continuous ache eyes? 020329
a hit from the small brown bottle in my shaving ba There he went, one of God's own prototypes, a variety of high-poweredf mutant never considered for mass production... 020329
dr gonzo every now and then when your life gets complecated and the weasles start closing in, the only real cure is to load up on heinous chemicals and then drive like a bastard from hollywood to las vegas... 020415
FriedJack This is Bat Country! 020415
she "We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls."

"I ride the BIG ONES! The really BIG fuckers!"
good people gimme the ether, mescaline isnt working.

fuck, i should watch this movie tonight. i think i will.
J i liked it when the wolverine flew through the air growling above the circus/casino thingy. that was funny as shit 020912
Kristopher "We were just outside Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold." 021214
Kristopher Heh, and to think, I thought I was going to be the first in here.

Silly me.

"And then I saw the glimpse of some strange animals, diving and swooping and screeching, and I heard a voice say, 'Jesus, what are these goddamn animals!'"

Hmm, that line may not be right.
Kristopher "For fuck's sake, man!! Tell them about the fucking golf shoes!!!" 021214
SuicidalAngel I never heard of this movie until my friends would always be like "omg I feel like I'm in fear and loathing". So I watched it and understood! 021214
Kristopher "Get in there and clean your shorts!! *bullhorn klaxon* Clean your shorts, Goddammit!! Like a big boy!" 021214
Kristopher Okay, I have watched the movie far too many times to be considered healthy.

Then, I go to a used bookstore and find a copy of the book for four dollars.

To say the book is like the movie or the movie is like the book isn't powerful enough.

They're the same goddamn thing. And I think that's fucking beautiful.

I've found myself reading lines and muttering them with an imaginary cigarette holder in my teeth.
Carne de Metal "He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man"
Dr. Johnson
megan it was the first movie i ever watched with you. wow.
i think that was the first word that came out of my mouth when i came home. i knew i was in for something different... and beautiful.
even now, we laugh about it, how you "scared me", how funny that movie is, and how much i love you (even though your choice for movies still cracks me up :)
celestias shadow they cut the best scene from the movie. I love the movie to death, but I was bummed that my favorite scene from the book was in the deleted scenes of the movie. You know when they're telling the cop from Georgia about all the Satanists in Malibu? Oh man, that scene is priceless. I wish they'd kept it. 040117
elisabeth42 "With a bit of luck, his life was ruined forever. Always thinking that just behind some narrow door in all of his favorite bars, men in red woolen shirts are getting incredible kicks from things he'll never know." hehe, I liked that part.

I've seen the movie. Again and again, and in various states of mind. Then I got my hands on the book, which I really enjoyed. I had to get a cigarette holder to go along with it, because it felt like the right thing to do.
birdmad "This place is getting to me man, I've got the fear." 080204
Ouroboros My blood is too thick for California: I have never been able to properly explain myself in this climate. 080205
JANE Quick, like a bunny! 081121
birdmad "And when it comes to that fantastic note where the rabbit bites its own head off, I want you to throw that fuckin' radio into the tub with me!"

just wants to carve a little Z in your forehead
Ouroboros Sometimes I do fall asleep to the gray static of noise on the radio (no tv in this house.) 081122
acrs fear_and_loathing 090803
what's it to you?
who go