mikey no. why dont i be myself instead. acting is fake. and im not that.

acting is for actors and actresses.
aimee act your age, not your IQ 010308
mikey IQ : yet another petty human measurement. 010308
Becky Why the hell would I want to do that. I'd rather act 12 all the time and giggle incessantly over stupid boys and meaningless drivel. 010704
dB Becky, I'm sorry but it seems there is no hope for you. Please get off the table and go and re-join the masses from where you came.
vampers becky, it sounds like a perfect idea to me. although i still do that sometimes just for the hell of it! 010704
ancient nose-fucker WHO_ARE_YOU 010705
lali what's my age again? 010706
yoink act like 5 dirty centaurs 010706
casey I'm 17, but i feel 7, so I'll act however the hell i please, screw your reputation mom and dad 010706
yoink your reputation makes me want to act like an ass 010706
firehunden i'm too young to act my age...

i'll BE who i am...

and do what i want...

i'll worry about how old i am when i die
Toxic_Kisses Yes, I wish my guy would start being more mature, he iz after all 33! 011011
Norm go_fuck_yourself 011011
Toxic_Kisses I love you too sweetheart ^.~ 011011
unhinged why are you so quick to assume that i am a little girl? all of you like to pull the 'you do drugs because you think they make you cool' card on me but have you ever stopped to think of another reason? it's easier for you to think that's why isn't it? my whole life everything that i have done has never been good enough. if i didn't get straight a's i was questioned about it. but i guess i did that to myself letting them know that i could. then they always expected that. he didn't pay a dime to send me to college but when i didn't bring home a 4.0 i was told that i was being irresponsible. a goddamn 3.9 wasn't good enough for him. even though he had no right to say anything about it since i was putting myself through school. yes, i had to keep above a 3.5 but does one b put me anywhere near that? NO. i was acting my age when i went out to the bar instead of writing my paper dad. THAT'S WHAT ALL THE OTHER KIDS MY AGE DO GODDAMNIT. oh, but i know. trust me, i know. your children aren't average. but most people don't like the people that aren't average because that makes them feel inferior. i am always apologizing for myself. when i sat in that house yesterday that stunk faintly like piss and probably five other bodily fluids of small children and those people sat there and stared at me because i obviously didn't belong and i just wanted to sit there and speak their language with them...i just wanted to sit there and get high with them...people are so judgemental. people look at me and for whatever reason think to themselves 'look at that little girl. she grew up in that little house in the suburbs. she doesn't understand. she must have it easy' it has nothing to do with anything; it's the human condition. but you all are so wrapped up in your individual misery that it isn't apparent to you that everyone has their own misery. you look at me and think that i don't know what it is to look in the mirror and be horrified. you look at me and don't know that for years already of my life i have woken up and looked in the mirror and said to myself 'what is the goddamn point anymore?' i couldn't possibly feel desparate and pointless. i'm so young. fuck_off. why do you think i didn't run away from you when you told me that you didn't want to be alive anymore? why do you think i sit there with nothing to say holding your hand? why do you think that i think it is fun to be crushed by addiction and sit around and watch others be crushed by it? the reason i sat in that room so many nights doing the same thing they were doing wasn't because i thought it was cool. it was because i felt like i was safe there. i was safe there because frank knew. he knew i was just covering myself up. right now, more than anything i wish that i had a razorblade. when it's cold outside, the newer scars stand out reddish like ghosts of the scabs they used to be. i am so angry with you right now that i could...i could just 030522
splinken How do I act 23?

Have the rules suspended themselves, and do they come back into effect when I round 30?
Fire&Roses What the hell is ADD? 030708
x People who question the maturity of others ("grow up") are usually lacking maturity themselves.
I think most people are inclined to act the age of the people they are around.
Maple Tree i am. i act my age, like i would. there is no one who could tell me how my age acts, but me, since i am my age and no one else, or else it wouldn't have been *my* age. 060219
the end every once and a while... i want to get lost in the hallways of highschool again. 060219
Quasi-Centenarian I will do no such thing, thank you very much! 060220
*SuPeR^ChIcK* How is that possible? I don't feel my age? I had to grow up fast when I was young, so now I am reverting back to my youth.

I will never act my age again....
what's it to you?
who go