Tank This is why it will never happen in our lifetime

A gun is pulled on a Black Man. The hand holding the gun belongs to a whiteman’. And yes, the carriage does happen to be the message this time

Hundreds of years were dissolved in that moment and I saw bodies hung from trees with genitals stuffed in mouths and a thousand grinning demons, scorching the night with marble tombstone faces

Plantations still exist in 2001. But bricks and mortar have changed to skin and bones, to flesh and blood, and walls are seemingly invisible now. Yet the barriers still exist as impenetrable as they ever were and woe behold the man that crosses them

Plantations are imperceptible to the ignorant eye in 2001. Most frighteningly to me, the ignorant eye is not necessarily held by the uninformed. Why is the pot melting? Because we have learned to embrace fear and consequentially Love diversity or because underneath the skin a seething torrent of unexpressed emotions causes flesh to fall..?

And fall it does

It falls when the Black Man steps through the real door. It falls when the whitemansees his door opening and finds himself indescribably, (and unjustifiably), threatened and time line rewind, trees and rope are turned to hands and guns and Black Man is propelled back out the door

This is why the pot is melting. Not out of a Love and acceptance of difference, but out of a repressed and temporarily constrained fear buried deep within the gossamer of Manhood. That which we deny will always grow stronger than ourselves and we will find ourselves no longer in control. Not that, in this circumstance, control was ever really looked for. Except, of course, for personal profit

And so the libertines sit way up high and recount the experience and it’s unacceptability. They talk and they reiterate and they regurgitate until their tongues grow old and furry and they have forgotten why or how they even spoke in the first place

Each time the story is retold the words grow thin and increasingly tired of their constant use and so eventually they evaporate into the hot air that once filled them and bound them together. With their evaporation comes the inevitability of the maintenance of the hegemonic forces that be. So sublimation becomes a chemical affair and not a matter of spiritual ascension

And so it will never happen in our lifetime because we will not actualise our words. We will not command our bodily selves through our voices. We speak with indignation and force of that which offends our ‘righteous’ sensibilities but then prove ourselves too lazy to revolt…

These words of dissidence, revolution and change are all to easily voiced. They have become as meaningless as the wordand’, used only to string together a sentence in a coherent manner. Anger at injustice has become the colloquial idiom of our generation and I am beginning to understand the real meaning of free speech. Free of obligation, sustenance, passion and Truth

Change will never happen in our lifetime not because change is as long as the snake of eternity, but because we are too afraid to set it in motion. We have become acclimatised to the paradigm that drives our mouth to speech and seem frightened of the possibility of breathing in an ocean that suits out supposed souls

It will never happen in our lifetime not because we lack the years or the power but because, ultimately, we believe ourselves impotent. We believe ourselves powerless in the face of adversity. We believe in their myths of indestructibility regardless of what our free and easy speech proclaims. We are all waiting for the revolution and whilst we scan the horizon we fail to notice the actual origin of humanity dying from neglect

Hegemonic powers of subjugation are not in control because they contain the greater force; they exist because we allow them too. Acquisition of cultural righteousness will not be given to us, indeed, it is not even our birthright. Our inheritance is this cage of indignity we appear to think our words can melt. It is for us to claim what our proclamations desire and crush what they despise. And so I wonder what we angrily await..?

And so I say this is why it will never happen in our lifetime:

It will never happen because our actions belie the truth of our words
unique butterfly because you and i are oppisites.
because you and i don't talk.
because you and i think different.
because you and i won't admit it.
because you and i aren't meant to be.
because you and i are scared.
because you and i like different people.
that's why it will never happen.
andru235 i agree with most of this. but casting white "men" in the diminutive solves nothing.

there is only one continent whose "original" human residents are not known to have practiced slavery; that is australia. otherwise, the problem of people subjugating their neighbors for perverse purposes is one that has persisted on all continents since antiquity, right up through the present.

if the problem lies in any one demographic, it can only be a demographic of temperament. this temperament is found in all genders, all sexualities, all "colors", all re"ligions", all economic "classes", etc. and, in its proper context, this temperament probably serves a vital function, so simply eliminating those who possess it will solve nothing.

casting blame is for level three wizards, k? (puns intended)

it is a collective emotional problem. three millennia of religion barely affected the problem, and after two centuries of technologic innovation, the plantations have only moved indoors (read: sweatshops). i no longer trust science to solve the problem.

only when emotionalism becomes a worldwide movement; when the emotional responses and wellbeings of persons are taken seriously - and genuinely - by most other people, will progress on these fronts occur. this_is_why_it_will_never_happen_in_our_lifetime.

or so it seems, in this moment, to me.
(tomorrow i'll probably disagree.)
what's it to you?
who go