_X_2_PLUS_3_MORE!!! WARNING: If you would rather not read an angry blathe, (containing colorful, and descriptive language - because I have totally disregarded my knowledge, of the English language), then get the f**k out of here, because I need to vent! &^* *&*&&^ &^ %$% *& ^%&^!!! I just opened my telephone bill... To say I'm pissed off is putting it quite mildly! Who's fault is it that I am pissed off? Mine!!! What am I going to do about it? Not a damn fucking thing. I am currently planning to just bend over, and take it up my precious ass, because that is exactly what I deserve! Fuckkkk meeeeeee! You're probably thinking......it's just a telephone bill! Well...tell that to my bank account, when I have to take pen in hand, and actually have to write out a $1500.00 fucking check! For one months charges, no less!!! Damn, I'm not saying I regret all those phone calls...I will never regret them!!! But......fuck you %$ & $ (my long distance service) anyway! You could at least offer my indebited ass some 'frequent caller credit' anyway! Well damn, I can't call Mom! I'm 29 years old, and that just won't work anymore. Besides she would say, your 29 years old, and you got yourself into this mess, so... RESPONSIBILITY is a bitch! She wouldn't even break into my trust for me, on this one! DAMN! I am so pissed off at myself! How old am I anyway? 12? *LMAO - hysterically* What could I buy with $1500? Hmmm...let's see...a trip, a crappy used vehicle, a new 4-wheeler, stock, alot of damn c.d.'s, a stereo, a new p.c., and the list goes on & on... You know what it is about me? I just always let my heart rule over my mind! However, I am a very responsible person, just obviously not where my telephone is concerned! I have never done something this irresponsible in my life! Well, I have...just not with the impact of these consequences. Okay, that's not true either, but fuck it - this is not something I need right now. Ummmmm.......like there would be a better time for it? *laughing hysterically again* Now, this is where I need to tell myself that money isn't everything, right? HA! HA! There is a lesson to be learned by all of this. However, will I learn from it? Probably not, but I am going to give it one hell of a shot!!! ...and NO! I don't need any comments, advice, or lectures on responsibility! Just vent your own steam, about whatever is eating at you, or proceed to the next room please! Fuck!!!
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get a cat to talk to
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Don't You Think We Should Strart A Blather Slush Fund To Help Bail Out All The Idealistic Or Impulsive Blatherskites When We Go A Little Overboard. It Would Only Take A Buck Apiece At This Point.(Provided that ALL 1500 Blatherskites Kick In)
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are there really fiteen hundred of us, or would we have to kick in an additional dollar for each name we use (damn, who knew being multiple could be so expensive, i suppose now when i fly, each of the voices will want its own ticket)
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I was traumatized when I got my first $150 phone bill and my mom told me to deal with it and I cried like a silly little girl. They say putting things into perspective is endlessly helpful... but my overdramatic nature has never allowed this. (yay for self pity)
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Utterly Selfish Rhin
You know what bothers me the most, about my super-dramatic blathe? It's the fact that the only things I could of doing with that money, if I had it now, is to spend it on materialistic goodies! Not once, in all my anger and self-pity, did I think of others. That money would have been amazingly generous, on my part, to any charitable organization. Now I know this about myself. Is this who I really am? Even though I feel like I am openly generous, and kind-hearted to all walks of life, and to our planet - I guess when the chips come down...
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oh rhin...don't be so hard on yourself. everyone is like that. to be totally selfless isn't human at all. and being american (which i am assuming that you are but i don't really know), materialistic goodies are the most important thing of all.
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aren't your conversations worth more than $150? i wish my phone bill could be that low.....heh heh heh. ain't it fun being selfish, though?
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Ummmm... I wish my phone bill had been $150. However, look again...it was One Thousand Five Hundred! I still can't believe it!
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Chanaka, I would have to say that even though, my bill quite exceeded $150 (that would have been sweet), I agree totally with you, and I have to say that I will never regret all the amazing conversations I had! Never! 'Blatherskites' - please accept this cyber hug, and thank you so very much!!! (((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Tourist, Chanaka, Q, Unhinged, Daxle, Birdmad )))))))))))))))))))))))))) :-)
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mmm, thanks, i think i needed one of those
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We Love You Rhin, But I think You Cracked my rib.
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thanks rhin a mere typo....my clumsy fingers. really.
what's it to you?