megan haha
time of your life
sixteen i'll be as old as he is right now

pish, and he'll feel so old to me then.
minnesota_chris Yes. The only people who are worthwhile are under 25. 030428
sixteen Hi minnesota chris,
do you mind fucking off?

minnesota_chris :) I love the knock knock joke from "Catch Me If You Can"

Tom Hanks' character is saying that he has a sense of humor. He says "I can be funny. . . wanna hear a joke?" "Yeah!" "Knock Knock." "Who's there"

long pause

"Go fuck yourself."
FireNRoses 11 years from now I will be 29... almost 30... a real adult. I can't even geuss at what i will be like or what i will be doing... should i worry? 030728
ashmanzhou i doth hope i wilst not be
typing into this site to commune with thee
id rather be definitively dead
than to survive like this
for now i hope and hold myself
back staring balefully into the brink
me older maybe .
DEad YEss Dead .. Alwaays Dead
ferret it either will have happened..... or it won't have happened. 030813
nomatter I hope I'm in love. Married. Babies. Happy. 030924
slothisily i hope i'll have an orange sloth suit. 040130
smurfus rex I will be forgotten in That Place, if it still stands.

Everything I've done for it, everything I've put into it, everything I've created for it, it will all be chalked up to "that's the way it's always been".

But if I wanted to be remembered for my contributions to That Place, then my name would be on the damned sign. Eleven_years_from_now, I'll be saying, "yeah, I helped open That Place".
u24 i don't even know. 050212
dandy eleven years is inconceivably long. two lifetimes at least. cats will be dead by then, probably at least one of my parents. don't expect to be living in this same city. not the same job, knock wood. same lover? probably. 10 years goes fast. 1,500 orgasms away? will I be owning a house? maybe my head will be shaved, as a buddhist playing a drum and walking circles around a small room. or be a published erotica writer. and ceo. and all 3. 050213
u24 tell yourself about it:
Lemon_Soda 35. Millionaire. Retired. Eccentric(more so) or dead.

No, really, I mean it.
jane probably experiencing some sort of crisis. as always. maybe married. maybe a vet. maybe a piercer. celebrating the eleven year anniversary of this post. 050601
birdmad 11 years from now, i will be 44, and if there is any truth to the recurring dream i used to have in the same sort of weird, reverse order as the movie Memento** from the time i was 12 to the time i was 27, i will have a year left before something kills me.

i think i get shot, but i'm guessing.

[[** it freaked me out when i watched how the movie played out because something about the way the story unfolded seemed familiar in an eerie sort of way that i couldn't put my finger on until i dredged up one of my old diary/notebooks from high-school that sits in the bottom of my closet]]
circumvent I don't even know what pants I'm going to wear tomorrow. 070525
Isaou 26, I'll be dead by then 070525
my name it means nothin god, quite a few people are planning on being dead in 11 years. what a plan... :/

11 years. 27. I can't imagine settling down, can't image not settling down. can't imagine a career, but can't image any preferable dreams coming true. hate the idea of being alone, but can't imagine the idea of settling down with one person for ever.

good thing I've got 11 years to figure it out!
tourist I'll Be 67.
It Will Be 7 Years Into The Next Long Count (mayan) And Almost 2 Decades Into The 21st Century.
If We Havn't "Sorried" Our Way Into Oblivion We Could Be Well On Our Way Into A "Golden Age" Or Deep In The Grasp Of Some Totalitarian Hell.
But I Was Ever The "Observer" And It's Been One Long Strange Trip So Far, Hang In There Kids, Don't Forget To Be Amazed As Well As Worried.
T'was Ever Thus. Hope To Hear From All Of You As We Walk Toward The Ever Receding Horizon Into Whatever May Come.
u24 things_in_books will either be a fond memory or my main source of income. heh, I wish! 080723
snook I will be 34, and I hope everything is completely different than it is now. 080723
dosquatch In the year 2525, if man is still alive... 080723
Checking in Ha! My eleven years are up and things have turned out far different than I could have ever imagined. How fascinating to reflect 181005
unhinged reflection is pivotal to integration 181005
arwyn I'm disappointed I didn't post here 11 or more years ago. It would be fascinating to see where I am vs where i thought I'd be. So, for future me...

I'll be 46. Hopefully published. Hopefully living in a dream house. Hopefully having traveled the world some more. Maybe a grandma... gods... a grandma. But Liam will be 26, so there's a chance. Wow.
unhinged i can't even begin to guess;

ive never been good at guessing
what's it to you?
who go