::taps his gavel on the desk:: Welcome to the Twilight Zone Thought for the day. If you don't know what I mean yet, you shall soon. Everyone knows about the test of life right? About how your actions in this life will earn you your slot in either heaven or hell. Well let me riddle you this.. Maybe, just maybe the test is over. It's done. This is the hell that you were taught in Sunday school to fear. Somewhere, far away, there is another little blue world where the air is not already tainted by the stench of sloth and evil, of TV and supermodels, but a purely fair testing ground for the souls of those created by God, or whatever omnipotent force out there created us. But you failed. And here you are, stricken from your memory of your past life on that blue world. You have been forsaken. Your soul has been cast down here, to this Earth, a place where even the immortal soul is mortal.. a place where you shall surely die. A place of possible pain.. a place of possible agony.. a place of misery from which you cannot escape. Sure, you can build your skyscrapers and your vibrators to keep yourself entertained while you wait, but the hell, the REAL hell that you've been committed to, is one that has never even occured to you. You are sentenced here to wait the death of your soul. Welcome to Hell. That friends, is why you feel forsaken. Because you are. You've failed. I am the way into the City of Woe. I am the way to a forsaken people. I am the way to eternal sorrow. Sacred justice moved by my architect, I was raised here by Divine Omnipotence, Primordial Love, and Ultimate Intellect Only those elements time cannot wear were created before me, and beyond time I stand. Abandon all hope ye who enter here. ::taps his gavel again:: Good day.
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Hell! Man, I can Do this standing on my head! I'm Glad they erased my Prior memory though, Bad day in the Satanic Development Office, They'll be regretting that later, But not Me! For I'll cease to Be. Suits me fine, Can't iritate what doesn't exist! In the meantime I suggest we Order up something tasty, listen to some Good Music and Make Love. For the Epicurian Ethic makes more sense now than ever. EAT ! DRINK ! BE MERRY ! For Tomorrow The World Ends!
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Not to be Flippant about the Scenario, But here's a little story about the way the mind works, Or at least mine did, having been weaned on Rod Serling as a child. Years ago, when I was about 8 or so, my familly was visiting my grandmother. I had gone with my dad to my Uncle's house to play with my cousins. They lived two blocks away, across a busy highway. After some time I had gotten bored, and decided to go back to my Grandmothers. I must have misjudged the traffic flow, because I never even saw the Truck that struck me, until the man stopped and asked if I was alright. I told him yes, and proceeded to run to my gandmother's . As I ran I noticed that I Had Pissed my pants, but other than that I had only been bounced off the fender and was O.K. When I got to my grandmother's , my mom saw I was wet and asked me what had happened. Fearing Punishment, (I had been warned about being careful crossing the road) I made up a lie saying that my cousin had squirted me with the hose. About that time my Father rushed in asking if I was O.K.? He had seen me get hit. My Mom freaked out and both of them looked me over good while I assured them I was. "why'd you lie to me?" "I was scared you'd Be Mad at Me for not being careful" ect. ect. Anyway for years afterwards, whenever anything seemed strange or weird to me, I would wonder if I was REALLY DEAD, and just didn't know it. This thought crossed my mind for years afterward, and I mean Years. I finally wrote it off to too much Twilight Zone, Too early on.
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sheesh man you're right
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could be.
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friend of Lao-tzu
that reminds me of the time i laid dowm in a meadow to sleep. i dreamed i was a butterfly; i fluttered like a butterfly, i thought as a butterfly and i felt just like a butterfly. upon awakening i began to wonder if i was then a man dreaming i was a butterfly or if now i was a butterfly dreaming i was a man.
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friend of Lao-tzu
that reminds me of the time i laid down in a meadow to sleep. i dreamed i was a butterfly; i fluttered like a butterfly, i thought as a butterfly and i felt just like a butterfly. upon awakening i began to wonder if i was then a man dreaming i was a butterfly or if now i was a butterfly dreaming i am a man.
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who do you watch when you are watched by the very people who are watched by the one you watch?
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Alter Nate
Alternatively, perhaps you passed the test on that blue world and ascended to this Heaven, which is as good as anything can ever really get, despite our imagining otherwise.
what's it to you?