yummychuckle heheheheh I wish someone would notice when i suddenly start following all their posts and I write stuff on them..
Like right now I am looking through all of personas.
I feel all evil and sneaky, but I'm just curious about people. my most recent stalkings have included persona, black-dyed gel product, and casey.

but there have been many more...
its too bad no one has decided to blather "stalk" me. I'd feel so special.
Persona don't be sure...I am watching you

---evil, evil chuckle---
Casey Turn about is fair play. I agree with Persona. Mwahahahaha 010624
yummychuckle ::eyes shift side to side and yummychuckle dashes to a nearby trashcan, ducks behind it and hides until she can continue stalking safetly::

hey why the fuck does the word safetly have a T in it??!
Persona I see you too Casey
and defremen
and dB
and nocturnal
Persona and paste!, that infinitely amusing little DoozleFlicky 010624
Casey Everyone stop looking at me, you'll go blind. 010624
yummychuckle yeah i watch nocturnal and dafremen and stuffs too.
and unhinged
and anyone who has ever shown any interest in what I have to say.
Persona those are few

but you don't need responses:
maybe a random blather struck someone as so profound they had a brain spasm and passed out, therefore losing the ability to type a reply
paste! (aka DoozleFlicky) DoozleFlicky! paste! considers a legal name change.

i've been spying upon yummy, nocturnal, lost and black dyed gleeproduct lately. and fyn_gula, that mischevious storyteller. and of course bs, the zany breeder of yadda yadda ping pong.
black-dyed gel product stalking on blather? DAMN, I wish I thought of that! Oh well, better start now... 010624
black-dyed gel product I'm gonna stalk the first person I see with the letter 'e' in their name. 010624
baby satan i stalk myself. every version of me. endless spasms of spasms and spasms of melting brain matter... 010624
someone pretending to be you Actually, it's not that much fun, being stalked on blather. 010625
Casey If some girl was stalking me in real life, I'd probably wakl up to them and ask them for a date. 010625
Persona mean: turn around and ask them for a date? 010625
nocturnal I love stalking people on blather, but I never let them know. I'm a sneaky one sometimes. stalking people in real life is fun, too. but then it's extremely important to make sure the victim does not find out. lawsuits and restraining orders can be messy things. 010625
kinkazoid i stalk people all the time i usually just read what they write then realize that i have nothing to add so keep on stalking...right now im stalking yummychuckle 010707
sweetheart of the song tra bong The way I found blather was stalking. I found out the full name and typed it into a search engine. Up came a blather post with the name in it.

Got hooked.

Line and sinker.
pinkish Hello, my name is Pinkish...

I am a Blather Stalker.
yummychuckle i feel so naked and exposed...
someone wasted their time and stalked me...i feel so very vulnerable.
but haha! i have another name on blather and no one knows which it is. heheheheheheheh.
stalker person i know what it is. 010708
yummychuckle ah yeah i was figuring at least one person would figure it out, seeing as it is extremely obvious to anyone who knows anything about me and has come across the other screen names. *sigh* maybe I'll change it again. but what would be the point? obviously I want some recognition with it because otherwise i wouldn't point out the fact that i use another 'mysterious; s/n. so inevitably, I'd flaunt the name and make it very easy for anyone wanting to know it to find out. of course at the same time, I'd like some anonymous-ness. 010709
User24 yummyC, I'd say it's pretty hard not to notice someone stalking you..

Of course, sometimes the hunter becomes the hunted...
lethalogica stalking, well, that's the only way for some of us to get a man.

or, a woman.
or whatever beast will take us.
Photophobe Tat the best part of blather. getting to know people by reading through thir past blathes. I don't know if I'd call it stalking though... Stalking requires some sort of guilt attached, while this is just reading all the stuff that people ahve put on display... 010910
Aimee mikey was the first to stalk me... then i thought bobby was... then i believed it was daffy... now i just think it's coincidence. 010910
silentbob ii just think you're crazy 010910
User24 Aimee, it is never coincidence. I have had a few ppl stalk me, from ditto to toxic_kisses to cube (and a few more, sorry if I forgot you)

It's not meant (I'm sure / hope) it's not meant maliciously (spelling?) In fact I'm thinking of starting myself.
cube That's annoying. You think you're making friends with somebody and he thinks he's being stalked...
User24 lol.

thats why I said i was sure it not malicious!!
(methinks we need some more delimiters for shocked-at-how-misinterpreted-i-was)
cntstnd Im stalking casey right now. Because I never talk to him anymore. 040918
Syrope Clementine: You don't tell me things, Joel. I'm an open book. I tell you everything, every damn, embarrassing thing.

blather's complicated because no one i know who reads it ever brings it up to me when it matters. i purge myself on blather and /then/, like a day or two later, people are concerned, but i'm on my way to OK then. but i don't want anyone all leaping on me as soon as i post something either. that'd be creepy.

i have a list of people i'd like to blatherstalk, but i don't have the time
just listening but only because i miss you 060924
heartfeltsuperego ... is alive and well. 111030
what's it to you?
who go