50-50[the whole world is mentally unbalanced]no1 in this whole world could ever be balanced and whom is deciding what is balanced or not ones definition of balanced may be totally whacked compared 2 any1 elses does that than mean [you truly are] mentally unbalanced in all your thinking that you are truly mentally balanced, ... would [you] thinking you are still balanced make you *even more so* mentally unbalanced-than the rest of us? nothing in this world is balanced [not even yin and yang] +one will always be in existence a tad bit darker when drawn or printed +one will always have a few less or a few more pixels +one will always be created with less or more passion than the other [does this mean we can not believe in the values & teachings of yin and yang]-no it simply means that nothing or no1 on this earth can ever be perfect, balanced, nor *the* prime example on what should or shouldnt be on *any* subject matter sure we can strive for smooth grounding but nothing or noone could ever come up with one concrete definition/example of what exactly mentally unbalanced is or is not ...various cultures honor different aspects of humanity ... perhaps your exiled so-called unbalanced-ness is sacred elsewhere...however, no matter what or who you are there will *always* be someone standing there ready to say that you yourself are mentally unbalanced 50-50 [the whole world is mentally unbalanced] no1 in this whole world could ever be balanced and whom is deciding what is balanced or not 60-40[the whole world is mentally unbalanced][you truly are][you][does this mean we can not believe in the values & teachings of yin and yang][the whole world is mentally unbalanced]60-40
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see inspiration for this blathe: wonder
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blown cherry
Thankyou Mahayana :) You made me smile and feel a little nicer on the inside after reading that.
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So you'll justify everything away? 99-1 Murder is evil. But whos to say what evil is? Thats a cop-out. Its a way of saying that anything unreasonable is relative to the observer. Well of course it is. A Tomato looks black in the dark, but you're not going to say hey look at that black tomato. Its relative to how you look at it, but nobody is going to live by that. Otherwise society breaks down.
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hey now!
99-1 Murder is evil. But whos to say what evil is? seems like everyone but the murderer agrees that murder is evil. so would that mean that everyone but the evil, perhaps even including the evil, agrees upon what is evil and what isnt?
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blown cherry
That may well be, but we can't go round locking up everyone that YOU think is psycho can we? There are degrees of mental instability, and whilst I may not live up to your stringent testing there are plenty enough people who would testify to my sanity, even if not my moodiness. Mahayana is not trying to justify everything away, she's only pointing out that between being a bit emotional and suffering from mental illness there is a great big massive grey area, and you can't go around labelling people as mentally unbalanced just because that's how you see it. I don't think it's really a topic on which you can draw suitable analogies either, since it has little effect on anyone but the so-called mentally unbalanced person. Once they cross those boundaries (ie. kill someone, or at least become unable to function in everyday situations etc) then maybe you can start to call in the experts. I don't force you to read my blathering maddness you know. With the tomato there is an underlying reality, colour only exists when there is light. Are you suggesting that there is some underlying reality to mental instability? It's just that the power has gone out so no one else has noticed i'm a whacko yet? And as if you're the most mentally balanced person around anyway. Not often do I hear it said that a 21 year old male is "PMSsy" If you persist in thinking I'm so mentally unbalanced why don't you call the cops and get them to drag me away next time I dare to be unkind to an empty cardboard box, just like I've seen them do to my mother more times than I care to recall.
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But if society defines what is acceptable and what is not (which is the case... in a democracy anyway) and a representative sample of the society thinks you are off the rails, then by definition, you are. It matters not what off the rails means to you or any other individual, because lets face it, no individual matters to society in the long run. Only society is important.
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balances can shift. i feel unbalanced when i am happy. the support of the scale moving farther and farther down, balanced lower and lower. i don't hate anyone, i just wish that they would go away. i wish that i could go away. it took me longer this time to break down, but when she picked up the phone and heard it was me...i was supposed to be frank. i was always meant to be someone else. what i have given is never good enough. and this is where i am balanced, self_disgust to the right, self_hatred to the left.
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Heh. Well, personally, I've made a decision to give up. On people in general but one in particular. Wash my hands of the whole world and live out a nice life killing pixels.
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"self_disgust to the right, self_hatred to the left. " .:sab sings:. and here i am stuck in the middle with you... kisses sweetie...
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continuous ache
"wake up! how long not long cuz what you reap is what you sow" - wake up - -rage against the machine-
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There is no such thing as normal. Sanity does not exist. Everyone has problems and skeletons in their closets, and those who deny it are the ones who are really unbalanced.
what's it to you?