not buying alfreds act Gather 'round thunder children, and Alfred will sing to you the Psalms of Profit. Let us put to bed The Child of The Past. Let us cover him with a thousand spades of dirt. Let us enoble ourselves through the noble catharsis of work. Let the young mind be intent on order and control. And then we'll build a Reich to blot out all of the light and fill the night sky with fascist fury and bring to a swift and painful end any voice that is tainted by the slovenly verses. I can see you now Alfred, all trussed up tight and starched in your teutonic garb. Take a hike. 040113
Alfred Collective will. Collective virtue. What is wrong with that? The Usurper comes in many forms. Even the cloying empathetic voice of altruism. The world needs producers of value and not moats of tears. 040113
Alfred Hey not buying my act. Are you the same prick with that magnificent prurient prodigy of imagination who jizzed the lines regarding me being a male prostitute? Don't you get tired of carrying that coffin strapped to your back? 040113
Garbage Heap Let he without stones cast the first sin. 040113
stork daddy the superflous use of vocabulary quiz words could be a dead give away. 040113
he said pay no attention to the prick behind the curtain 040113
. When the history of the 20th century is written, when it shall lay emblazoned upon gold laminated parchment pages elevated and sealed in air tight chamber America's brand of management thought and practice will be recognized as it's most valuable contribution and most widely used export. Not Mickey Mouse on crack riding a Harley brandishing a 40 and wearing a T shirt applauding the wearer for his own subjugation and efficient conscription as an adjunct and now defactor promotor of "value" touting the Brand. Aside from all of that the art and science of management as refined by America reaches into the four corner of the earth. We have pollinated innumerable petri dishes. We have exported our expertise..the methodology of running large organizations profitably to the antipodes and beyond. It has been said that American management is the model for the world. True, others have refined it. It is true that cross pollination has resulted in the hybridization of management practices, or action driven stratagems useful in the aftermath of the high tech correction. A lean and mobile triage oriented style of maverick manager. That is the visionary, the worker, the planner, the manager that will survive in the ages to come. That is the soldier of profit who will grow value in the ostensibly parched and battle worn fields of today and tomorrow. The age of blind obeisance and corporate cogs conscripted and blunted and briskly ushered onto and off of the threshing floor are fast coming to their repose. The old designs are being torn down as new models, new leaders with a heart and a conscience emerge as the standard bearers of tomorrow. They are not yet at the pinnacles of power and influence. But slowly the new man/woman is making this move. Impacting and influencing the heretofore amoral, anti-human corporate hive mind. Think of the theory of plate tectonics as it relates to the formation of vast mineral deposits. The epoch of enlightenment and adaptability has begun. Look at companies like Saturn. Companies of conscience. From this beach head we will begin our voyage. The smile that eventually rips asunder the frown cast in concrete. A new face is emerging on the frontiers of commerce, capitalism, managent. The old corrupt kings and princes and courtiers are still ensconced at the corrupt and rotting helms but forces are shaping a new ideal, a new mind of business. Corruption and avarice will always be the bedmates of any business endeavor. The new is coming building from beneath. The network will one day replace the hierarchy. Brick and mortar will walk arm and arm as an adjunct to the blistering highways of the internet age. Yes you say, those incipient days are already here. Think of a squad of marines landing on a beach in the furrows of night as the battle rages around them. the desk sargeant, the soft young leautenant with peach fuzz around his ears would fail magnificently in these conditions. The marine honed to steel and trained trained trained and hardened by prior triage, combat conditions will thrive. He will achieve, even surpass the goal laid out before him. He will conquer the ground, his superiors orders, his advesaries stratagems with creativity, with confidence, with a fearsome array of talents and a heart of stone and flesh. Okay. I'll spew a little more the next time I can't get to sleep.

oE Hey Al - what do you think about plasma..I mean as an interstellar artifact and it's potential for being an observable interstellar phenomenon..what phylum of fakery are you from my friend?..oh and what kind of matter is it?..celestial flatulence or something? 040114
oldephebe forget it Al..I already know the answer..just havin' a little fun with you.. 040114
7 sorry i havent quite finished dot's book does it end? 040115
The D.O.T. well..i'll probably post more on that topic when the insomnia hits ambitious quasi-didactic/dogma to come... 040115
what with hey 7 - wasn't that george costanza's coveted name for his/her first born?

7 being mantle's number and all...
what's it to you?
who go