imposter I would just like to say that I am amazingly and overwhelmingly astounded by the sheer beauty and wrought poetry of certain blatherskites. The pain and triumph, hurt and love expressed in the writings of these people makes me want to just reach out and hug them all. I just thought that I should share this power that you have over my soul. Your words have touched and moved me. And please, this is in no way intended to illicit a response; I am just full of love for you whom I do not even know thanks to pouring your hearts out on these pages. I wish I could meet you and kiss you all. Thank you

endless desire
flowers from safeway
oldphebe (hope that I spelled that correctly)
celestias shadow

You all make it especially a joy to come here and read this beauty of hurt and love, an operatic saga of joy and suffering you have writ out on these megabytes suspended across electrons spanning the sky. Thank you, thank you. It is so beautiful . . . I know I sound clichéd, but your hearts and humours have touched mine. I wanted you to know that, and how much I appreciate your souls, which are all so beautiful. Please – don’t stop sharing. Just . . . wow blather_poets

is awed
imposter I just feel like next to you, I have nothing to say. My words are worthless and meaningless, and you all express them so well. Thank you.

I'm smiling with wet eyes

actually its (this isn't her)

imposter Blast. Please, accept my apolgies. 030902
imposter *apologies. I just can't seem to get anything right lately . .. 030902
I really don't think oldphebe cares how his name is spelled, and I think he would

1) First humbly thankyou for including him in your paen to prose and poetry

2) He would also probably say that your writing is lucid and inventive, as an elegantly stitched line of metaphore, the suture that binds the fabric together giving the expression of the pattern it's svelt and ultimately exalted shape. Such pretty patterns exhaled upon the page.

3)Then he'd probably say again that he really doesn't care how you spell his name, as long as it's a reasonable facsimile thereof.

4) He probably go on to say that, he gushes over the other blather poets you've named, that there are somethings in thier writing he sees lacking in his.

That is if he were to respond to such a glowing appraisal of his open hearted brokeness. He would say he hardly feels worthy.
imposter And I would say to him that I hardly feel worthy to read and share in the pain and love of sheer humanity that he spells out on the page, or in any of words written in blood by my_blather_poets.

Thank you
Flowers from Safeway I am a bit surprised to see my name on this list. I never considered what I write as poetry. I am glad you have enjoyed my ztupidly inquisitive ramblings, but I can't rightly accept the title of "poet."

Thank you for your kind words
imposter A poet need not write poetry.

Yours is a poetry of the heart, no matter how ztupid it may seem.

Than YOU, Flowers
celestias shadow you like me! you really like me! thank you so much, imposter. i can't possibly thank you enough. what you said came at exactly the right time, just when i was doubting my abilities at writing. i don't think you know how much it means to me to hear someone say that they like my writing. especially someone who isn't a close friend or family and thereby required to say they like it.

your words are NOT worthless or meaningless. they are not any less meaningful than ours. everyone on blather has the same authority and the same rights, to be listened to and to be taken seriously. and by posting something like this, something for others, you have also shown that you are a beautiful person. many thanks.

you just made my day so much better.
imposter I'm glad I could help, glad I could give something when you have already given so much of yourself out here. Thank you.

Reading you is a pleasure.
endless desire where are you? you don't have an email or anything. this saddens me because i want to say hello. my_comfort. oh that's my favourite verse. the one i have found more comfort in than any in the whole world. motorcycle_driveby. the best song on the history of the planet. you intrigue me, imposter. 030903
imposter O jubilation! She finally responded.

I like you very much, endless.

I don't have an email address because, well, because I am not ready. But I do very much want to talk to you. In the Blue, for now
endless desire not ready, eh? because putting your email down on blather is such a big committment. typical guy. :P
fine fine. see you in the blue.

ps, your words were very kind. they made my day a little brighter. i love writing, but i think, like many people, that i am "wrong" about it. not that you really can be "wrong" in poetry. . .but well, i guess i can't explain what i mean. just, thank you (even though your intension was not to be thanked for the compliments you gave but i can't help myself).
imposter Still beautiful, still poetic. The more and more I read each day, the less and less worthy I feel.

Just. . . amazing
endless desire hahahahhahaha this was all a bunch of shit. i hope that that was aparent by the end of "imposter's" little stay with us. it was an ex-boyfriend of mine trying to win me back by befriending/flattering/relating to me on blather and when i figured him out quickly (because we had dated for a while), we went our separate ways and he ended up driving to canada and dating eyedream for a while--not that i have any beaf over that--i would do anything to talk to melissa again.

what a crazy world blather is. crazy, crazy world.
what's it to you?
who go