and so another day has gone by without my hearing from him seems I’m the only one making any effort as of lately that should be all I need to know despite the hot, humid weather I get chills as one perfect vivid thought explodes in my mind I’m so lonely and in my own way I thought he could resolve his pain that he could silence the sobs & ease the shaking due to his recent absence in my life, I guess not I know her death gave him the greatest heartbreak of all & I tried to be the one to help him heal it but I realize now he’s never going to love me, to love anyone like he loves, loved her he cherishes her memory more than he does my presence and living like that, I grow afraid for him more than I am for myself because I will get over this, move on I just wonder if he will be able to copyright 2000
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hello? someone is trying to point you in the right direction and once again you choose not to notice. you know good and well that your receptors are working properly, but you dismiss these transmissions as mere paranoia and insanity. wake the fuck up, we are trying to communicate the next phase of your mission.
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been sending more brain waves lately damn stuck up Venutians roasting on a nice sandy Perelandran beach ignoring my indignation huh!
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lately there is no choice no unanswered messages everyones got something to say cant tell the salesmen from the prophets
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i wonder if i just keep sending them if they'll eventually lose meaning
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ok, so i'm not worth the time it takes to contact me. that's fine. it's not the first time, by any means. i could deal with that. what i can't deal with is how when you see me next you'll have nothing to say about it. no apologies, not even any excuses. i'm so sorry, sorry for everything, even the things i have no control over. but not you. you're not apologetic at all. but you sure are sorry...
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it would be pointless to write anymore about this subject. ( you )
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*crackle crackle* earth to neptune, earth to neptune, neptune, comein neptune, r u sending message now neptune? [ahem, sorry, had my headset off cuz i been in the library] ready to receive incoming message. i assume this is the next phase of our mission here? [i was doing some self education in the meantime] [incrypt with usual blather style 55/110z]. over.
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unanswered_messages Like tiny boats in a river of whoe, coming closer and closer to my island hill, flinging arrows and lighting things on fire.
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oranges talk to me sometimes and they make very strange patterns on the tongue as i suck up the juice bacteria orange that's been sitting in my freinds car for way too long why doesn't she ever answer the emails i send her its horribly aggrivating, disconcerting, discouraging she just doesn't get it how simple it really is just to be a friend because that's all i ask of her proud vain J******* she thinks that everything i do is because of my infatuation with her its a matter of flattery to her but she doesn't realize the flame has dwindled to the simple glowing ember of a friend whose moved on
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incidentally, that flame has dwindled to a little bit of charcoal. I don't even want to be her friend anymore--just stay away from me, please.
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when darkness falls
i_should_have_known. i left you six messages over the period of two weeks, most of them only a few words long. i dislike leaving long messages because i'm aware of how precious your time is. i tried to avoid coming off as overly aggressive, desperate, or disinterested. but, as i later learned your mind was already made up, long before i started building castles in the sky.
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There were opportunities Then chances Even a few exceptions To walk your talk I can't be faulted now if I smile but dismiss your words and go on my way
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everything in moderation there is a way of coping, if you know your body. chocolate is not something i eat for survival but i sometimes like to eat it. i enjoy a couple glasses of wine but i make sure i exercise and drink lots of water to compensate. that is my view but maybe other people think it is pure poision to have a glass of wine sometimes? it's much much worse to smoke 50 cigeretes a day.
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piss me off *sigh*
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I don't take them personal anymore, and that is a liberating feeling
what's it to you?