blown cherry
aka multiple personali-me You misunderstand me; I didn't mean to say that you were manifesting any series of personas which were in no way related to who you are, I simply meant that, as we all do, in different situations we reveal different parts of ourselves. As in your case the difference between photop(1-see footnote) and Blake is quite stark, though probably particularly more stark to someone who doesn't know you all that well, or has spent little time with you. You'll have to admit, that at work, Blake is most commonly known as the weird guy with the really strange sense of humour. The utter silliness which spews forth from your mouth at all manner of odd intervals is your biggest trademark. But here, photop doesn't usually display such frivolity with words. I'm not saying that anything is an act, simply that you don't act so silly when blathering, very likely because it is a written means of communication, so you can't judge reactions the way one can in live-feed, and the same humourous impact simply cannot be achived. Take a step deeper and spend a little time with Blake and he might just play you a song on his guitar, or maybe even his synth. Then the lines between Blake and photop begin to blur a little. The poetry, emotion and thought behind those words and chords is not something that one expects on meeting Blake, but is pretty much the first thing that hits you when you think about photop. I was wondering if there was a drunk Blake, or a photodrunk, but there isn't. (you proabably don't) Remember that time, it was your birthday actually (real day, not party day) and you were trying to annoy me by continuously talking about stupid stuff in what was a kind of innappropriate situation, only to become more annoyed yourself because I was failing to be annoyed? That was Blake. And cold quiet nights in the car when perhaps you are a little too honest, a little too mean, and a little too drunk, you kinda flip between Blake traits and photop traits, though tend to linger in the more serious, more photop-esque moments. If ever I address something to photoidiot, or Photophobe Burning, it's only because of the reaction I think I'm going to invoke, the different aspect of your feelings and personality which I'm currently addressing/attacking. Thay're all you. The closer in one gets, the more of one big, beautiful, swirly photoblake mess it all becomes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Case Study 2 There's this chick called Chez. She's a bit quiet, but still has fun, hangs out with her friends as much as she can, plays getaway driver on sign stealing missions to Sydney uni. Cheryl, she's a bit behind Chez on the cool fun scale, but still appreciates things that make her heart glow through the dark haze that enshrouds it. The reddness of the moon low on the horizon over Wedding Cake island; the way the clouds look today, everyday; every dismissive, independant cat she's ever met. People think she's really quiet. Has often been mistaken for being stuck up. Only puts the effort in to say something in a group conversation if she thinks it will somehow be of some importance, but get her on her own and earn just a little of her trust and she'll spill just about everything. Enjoys fading into the background and observing the other humans from her distant refuge of quiet invisibility. Slips into Bridget Jones mode quite often. An then there's this thing, not really a girl, more a part of the ether, that is blown cherry. Exhibits more of me than any other outlet of myself does, but maybe has less fun. Mustn't be blonde. Hates Bridget Jones and all her "inner strength" and "I am woman, hear me roar" glory. All the darkness and longing that builds up in Cheryl bursts out through blown cherry, she/it has a hell of a burden there. It's all me, I just dole myself out in appropriate moderation is all.
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blown cherry
(1) pronounced "foto-pee"
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i have many names but no personality
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Trying to understand
The hardened cynic. Untouchable. Unable to be hurt. Carries with him a great deal of certainty. vs Confused. Optimistic? Funny. Vulnerable. More real. More human than might care to admit.
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Softly Spoken
What are you doing? You'll never understand him; I doubt he understands himself. Tildan/Photophobe/Blake So what is he when he's posting under Stop Bath Burns or Scarleet photos or something? are you going to analyse them too?
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blown cherry
I was answering a question put to me.
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blown cherry
what's it to you?