miniver "Suppose your long-term memory contains knowledge of the immediate families of you and everyone around you. The content of that knowledge is a set of propositions like "Alex is the father of Andrew." According to the computational theory of mind, that information is embodies in symbols: a collection of physical marks that correlate with the state of the world as it is captured in the propositions.

These symbols cannot be English words and sentences, notwithstanding the popular misconception that we think in our mother tongue. Sentences in a spoken language like English or Japanese are designed for vocal communication between impatient, intelligent social beings. They achieve brevity by leaving out any information that the listener can mentally fill in from the context. In contrast, the "language of thought" in which knowledge is couched can leave nothing to the imagination, because it -is- the imagination. Another problem with using English as the medium of knowledge is that English sentences can be ambiguous. When the serial killer Ted Bundy wins a stay of execution and the headline reads "Bundy Beats Date with Chair," we do a double-take because our mind assigns two meanings to the string of words. If one string of words in English can correspond to two meanings in the mind, meanings in the mind cannot be strings of words in English. Finally, sentences in a spoken language are cluttered with articles, prepositions, gender suffixes, and other grammatical boilerplate. They are needed to help get information from one head to another by way of the mouth and the ear, a slow channel, but they are not needed inside a single head where information can be transmitted directly by think bundles of neurons. So the statements in a knowledge system are not sentences in English but rather inscriptions in a richer language of thought, 'mentalese' . . . "

Science words. Mmm.
little fury bug
if i knew what it meant, i'd find some way to relate it to you because you're all i think about...and then i would type up some cryptic little ditty about it that no one would understand except for me...and afterwards i will feel gratified knowing that you'll never know.
tom mentalese is the language of the future, someday we will transcend the tongue and ear, and achieve a level of communicative power unheard of today. When thoughts can be transferred without the hinderance of language than what we truely feel can be expressed, it will be through the aplication of technologies as of yet untested that these things will come from. ill point you to one study which i find unendingly interesting which took place at duke university (link here:: it shows that the human brain could be interfaced with technologies.. even though all that was done there was with a robotic arm, a computer isnt that far in the future, and when that can be done then cellular technologies could be added, thereby, humans could control a device with computing potential that could connect through a celluar portal to the internet, or any network of their chooseing, notebooks/phones/pcs/ all forms of things would become obsolete for this one invention, pure access to the knowledge of humanity. i could go on, but for some reason im in school 050210
-Jemi The language of the birds or the green language...We cannot comunicate telepathically because we can't seem to forget our language yet. Comunication by thought is NOT going to "sound" like anything at all. We aren't looking for the right context (syntax). If your looking for too narrow a crack you wont see the valley you live in.
"The colors taste like music."
feh how little_birdies tell me things.
the language is applied on the way out and around.
Kejardon The form that thoughts originate in. Thoughts form virtually instantaneously and are completely understood by the person, whether they are conscious of it or not. These thoughts may be later 'translated' into any language. Once translated, the person almost always consciously notices the thoughts.

Thoughts form constantly, countless thoughts every second. They can consist of noticing you need to breath in, to a complex formula calculating the force of gravity between two three-dimensional objects.

Words, music, images, and other forms of information of any sort are also converted to mentalese before a person actually 'understands' it. Because thoughts are formed so fast, though, the same phrase may be rapidly translated to mentalese several times, first in parts as a person is reading or hearing it and mentally attempting to fill in the ending while the eyes or ears continue to process the phrase, and then several times after completing the phrase, fitting it into its context and figuring out the most likely translation.

Now, that's what I know about mentalese from personal experience. As for my advice, try not to hold a conversation in it. You have no idea how fast you can completely lose track of a conversation - A full minute's worth of words can fit in half a second of mentalese, and that's not even counting all the extra details that mentalese has to leave absolutely no doubt about meaning.
what's it to you?
who go