its where i live. words are slow and there are bugs everywhere.
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Only one more half a semester and i'll be all good and transferred to a place where the jazz musicians roam free... just have to keep reminding myself, one more half a semester...
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the campus cockroaches will follow you all the way there, brad.
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m-i-crooked letter crooked letter-i-crooked letter crooked letter-i-humpback humpback-i. i know, this is stupid. but i heard it from somewhere.
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The Schleiffen Man
some people swear it is of the devil. I don't see that. I've lived her my whole life, yet I have little to no accent. Of course, I can conjure one up at anytime needed, to fit in/entertain/communicate with rednecks. Yes there are bugs everywhere. Yes people speak slowly. Yes, we do have schools and sinks and toilets that are all inside. No, we're not all inbred and stupid. Just most of us (not me! not me!).
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when i think inbred, i think kentucky. my apologies to everybody from kentucky. missippippi seems quite mysterious. the Deep South. the Heart of Darkness. isn't your email soulsteal? i thought so. ;)
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The Schleiffen Man
The Deep South, yes... the Heart of Darkness, well.... it's just a horrible book. my e-mail is soulsteal but that's a remnant of my days as a 14 year old pseudogoth.
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points taken. i've never been anywhere near Mississippi so i'm just being lame and uncouth. i've never understood why people talk about a devil or hell or heaven for that matter. so i make fun of it. i read the Heart of Darkness twice and couldn't make a bit of sense out of it. i think i'm a little more sophisticated these days and gain perspective as we speak. you have to admit though, "deep south" sounds pretty mysterious. All the people I've ever met from the South have been quite pleasant.
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The Schleiffen Man
Whenever I think of the phrase "Deep South," I can only seem to think of a sea of rednecks and accents and that I'm caught in the current.... the longer i live here, maybe the longer i drift away from society.... at least the good part....
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I have to admit, as much as I hate this place, it fascinates me to no end.
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I have grown to think that racism in mississippi is probably not any worse than anywhere else. In fact, I think the rocky history of the place makes people make a more conscious effort to grow up and accept everyone... well the intelligent ones anyway. A friend in texas told me that there's no tension between black people and white people there, but that nobody thinks a second thought about flinging horrible racial slurs at persons of hispanic descent. I would be willing to wager that there are as many or more racists in any other state than there are in mississippi.
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The Schleiffen Man
I've never personally witnessed any direct racist acts living her my whole life, but IO've met more than enough rednecked tobacco chewing people for this lifetime.... And I'll meet more. So long as I stay alive, it bothers me not.
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princess lola
though i live in mississippi, i was born in louisiana. a coon ass, not a stump jumper. but mississippi isn't all bad. hattiesburg is 2 hours away from new orleans, and sometimes, that's all i need.
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princess lola
hmmm... new_orleans rather
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those of us in louisiana are quite grateful for the state of mississippi. if it weren't for them, we'd be last, rather than second to last, in everything; education, economy, etc. thanks a bunch, y'all. we appreciate the sacrifice you've made to help us look not quite as bad as we should.
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Alexander Beetle
Why do people count seconds using this word? How did that start? Weird.
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Kleh Ver
~ M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter I Humpback Humpback I ~
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Kleh Ver
~ Micciccihhi ~
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nice, n- ice, 'n' i see "e", eesin backwards. ippississim. the end.
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Double-hump before the rising comet, which begs the pace of swirling suns, thus repeating history a second time, where out-stretched tongues swipe the final comet.
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I'm big and proud all over Not just on the stage My secret self has many sides that laugh and crush and sting I'm red and thick like fire I like it from behind Round to back Red to white I'm pure inside and silent Who can love my many selves: the wife the bitch the Rapunzel the one who cries and calls for you the one who's always alone I'm alive Gotta piece of my heart on the sole of your show Gotta a little bit of thunder trapped inside of a cloud The dog in you spit me out into the Mississippi Paula Cole wrote some interesting songs.
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Princess Lola
i'm in hattiesburg _
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's Aftermath - 912005: The official death_'toll" in Mississippi is 126 and rising...
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I had a house there. I don't anymore.
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Princess Lola
it was so hot today in mississippi that my 5 kittens cried on the back porch till they found shade... under me
what's it to you?