lalagirl19 they really are.
they gossip and lie and talk all kinds of shit and are always ready 2 stab u in the back.
so many people are gonna argue w/this. but girls are almost all bitches.
i kno about 4 who arent.
i almost 4got y i have so many guy friends
jane this is a william carlos williams poem waiting to happen 031020
celestias shadow yeah, we really are. sometimes we just suck. 031020
shutter-bug yeah but it's ok.
guys can be just as bad
don't feel bad.
TalviFatin boys_are_bastards 031021
girl_jane But women...women are goddesses. 031022
Lemon_Soda Only if guys are gods. 031022
Death of a Rose who's left to worship us then? 031022
Death of a Rose oh....the bitches and bastards....never mind. 031022
girl_jane Lemon_Soda, of course *men* are. Boys-guys even-they're not. There's a difference. 031022
niska ugh! girls ARE whiny bitches!

i hate when you're out at a bar, and you have to pee like 90, and some moany bitch is in the bathroom, crying about someone or something stupid...

get the fuck outta my way. i have to pee. i mean who the hell is so desparately abandoned they have to turn to drunk strangers for sympathy?

bitches - that's who!
minnesota_chris sometimes some men are whiny bitches too 031029
unhinged they always seem to hurt just that much more

p2 a girl once told me,
"all girls_are_bitches
and all guys are assholes"
i didn't understand this
until a few days later
when she left me
for my "friend"
hindsight is 20/20
cupcake this blathe (is that the right word? lol!) kinda hurts b/c i'm a girl but i try really really hard to be nice to people! when people are mean all it does is hurt and i don't like hiurting people! 031110
!!!!!!! we dont care! its just an opinion! go away! your immature! and love exclamation marks! 031110
cupcake yeah, well that's an opinion too and it's a really mean one and i think you should go away! and yes i love exclamation marks but i use them when i really mean things or when i'm exicted and i'm both of those a lot on here. 031110
bitch 031110
. this 031110
niska wtf is happening with the name/date shit?

either way - yeah. girls are bitches. guys are assholes. calling a guy a bitch, or a girl an asshole just sounds funny.

thought i know some really bitchy fucking guys.
niska cupcake: you don't have to hurt people, but you don't have to be nice to everyone.

people can tell when you're being patronizing, an your efforts may be genuine, but they'll resent the gesture, in such a case.
Bespeckled why aren't names and dates showing up on this page?

Mahayana they are showing up they just are super tiny, copy a name and paste it into microsoft word [or your fav word processing software]- and itll show up :] 031205
notme or hold your mouse clickeriedoodah pointer over the link and lool down to where it says Done on the bottom of page beside the explorer symbolmajombey across from where it says Internet, it should show the name
(if you're using explorer)
maybe i make no sense pay no heed to me
notme actually it's not on the page, it's in the frame
witchesrequiem no...we are all psyco and never shut up...

all men however are assholes and never listen
girl_jane What in the world...

There are no names on this page, instead of "girl_jane" it just has a couple little underscores...

There aren't any dates either...

misstree must be something that only hits windows systems, 'cause through linux this page looks perfectly normal. 031207
endless desire i must say...girls are bitches. i really prefer guys as friends. they listen better and understand more. i could talk to a guy for ages...and i can handle a girl for about ten minutes. well most girls anyways. the sad thing is, i have to live with myself all the time.

iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl mwahaha
i can be a bitch
a lot, actually.
on the days that i'm not, it's the guys that are assholes.


oh and btw, if you hover your mouse over the ickle names and dates, they show up in that little bar above the bar with the minimized windows in.
whitechocolatewalrus or, you can just click on the lines where the name usually is, whatever.
everyone and everything is a bitch.
like today for luch, i had a grilled cheese sandwich disgustingness but according to my friends, it's a bitch.
you are a bitch and i am a bitch, and if you think you're not, your lying.
ocassionally, we are nice, and even if we are nice most of the time, we still think mean thoughts. so when we aren't nice, we are bitches.

i think i am wrong.
_ Wow! 040211
self righteous superleni names and dates aren't showing up because blather is a forward thinging organism that reckons generalisations based on categorisations such as sex or race are so very silly that they deserve to be delivered anonymously and timelessly in a similar fashion to which they have persisted to plague humanity for as long as language has. blather wants us to evolve, to realise there is good and bad in everyone and try to bring out the best in ourselves rather than pointing out the worst in others; much of which is a result of conditioning any way. 040211
emmi sometimes. that's why i'm moving in with 2 dudes. though i have my doubts about boys too. 060705
what's it to you?
who go