The Surangama Sutra
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Surangama Sutra: intro
THE SURANGAMA SUTRA. The Surangama sutra (Chinese: Leng Yen Jing) was
translated into Chinese under the guidance of Master Paramiti ... - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

Surangama Sutra: content of chapters
STORE - 1,1 Ananda's weakness - the reson for this sermon ... - 18k - Cached - Similar pages
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Shurangama Sutra: Text, Commentaries, and Articles
... Research on Authenticity of Surangama-Sutra by Chen Yo Bin, MA Thesis, Institute
of Oriental Humanities, Huafan University, Shih Tin, Taipei Hien, Taiwan, 1998 ... Buddhism/Shurangama/Shurangama.htm - 7k - Cached - Similar pages


- 1,1 Ananda's weakness - the reson for this sermon
- 1,2 The Meditative study of all as void (samatha)
- 1,3 Wiping out the five aggregates and eight consciousnesses to expose the unreality of ego
- Probing into the false mind to wipe out the first two aggregates and first five consciousnesses
- Refuting the false mind to eliminate the third aggregate and expose the unreality of the sixth consciousness
- 1,4 Revealing the bright samadhi
- 1,5 Origin of inversion
- 1,6 Actual inversion
- The inverted mind
- Probe into the false mind
- Thinking is unreal
- The sixth consciousness is empty
- The seventh consciousness is unreal
- Refuting all inversion
- 1,6,b The inverted perception
- A bright light to reveal the One Reality
- Returning perception to Mind
- 1,6,c Inverted men
- The worldling's inverted views
- The Hearer's inverted views
- The heretic's inverted view of annihilation
- The inverted behaviour
- Delusion and enlightenment are of the same source
- Refuting the false perception to eliminate the fourth aggregate and reveal the non-existence of the seventh consciousness
- 1,7 Wiping out the unreal
- The non-existence of discriminative perception
- Ananda's wrong views
- Unreality of illusory causes
- Falseness of both sense organs and consciousness
- All phenomena returnable to causes are unreal
- 1,7,b Borrowing the essence of perception to pick out causal externals
- Setting up the essence of perception
- Picking out causal externals
- The nature of perception
- 1,7,c The underlying nature of perception is not the essence of perception
- The capacity of perception
- Picking out causal objects
- The essence of perception
- 1,7,d The essence of perception mistaken for externals
- Refuting this misconception
- True perception
- 1,7,e Wiping out the capacity of perception to reveal the True Mind
- The capacity of seeing
- Breaking up the capacity of seeing
- 1,8 Revealing the Real
- Removing the essence of perception to wipe out the fifth aggregate and eighth consciousness
- 1,9 Eradicating attachment to the ego to reveal the One Reality
- Rooting out ananda's misconception of objects
- Being and not being perception
- Misconception of objects being perception
- Misconception of objects not being perception
- Manjushri's helpful interposition
- 1,10 Wiping out the alaya's self-evidencing to reveal the One Reality
- Ananda's discrimination
- Wiping out Ananda's discrimination
- Rooting out the self as such
- Eliminating cause and condition
- Revealing the essential Bodhi
- Brushing away wrong assumptions
- 1,11 Eliminating the essence of perception to reveal the inceptive Enlightenment
- Wiping out Ananda's discrimination
- 1,12 Revealing the inceptive Bodhi
- 1,12,b Revealing the unreality of two realms to expose the non-existence of dharma
- Individual karma
- Collective karma
- 1,13 Revealing the independent vasic Bodhi to expose the unfettered Absoluteness (Bhutatathata)
- 1,14 Wiping out all traces of the false to enter the abstruse to reveal the Bhutatathata
- 1,15 Direct pointing to One Mind
- Fusing myriads of things into the absolute to reveal the identity of phenomenon with noumenon
- 1,16 Fusing the five aggregates
- The first aggregate rupa
- The second aggregate vedana
- The third aggregate sanjna
- The fourth aggregate samskara
- The fifth aggregate vijnana
- 1,17 Fusing the six entrances
- Entrance through the eye
- Entrance through the ear
- Entrance through the nose
- Entrance through the tongue
- Entrance through the body
- Entrance through the intellect
- 1,18 Fusing the twelve ayatana (six sense organs and data)
- Eyes and form
- Ears and sound
- Nose and smell
- Tongue and taste
- Body and touch
- Intellect and dharma
- 1,19 Fusing the eighteen fields or realms of the senses
- The field of sight-perception
- The field of sound-perception
- The field of smell-perception
- The field of taste-perception
- The field of touch-perception
- The field of the sixth consciousness
- 1,20 Fusing the seven elements into the absolute to reveal the free intermingling of phenomenon and noumenon
- Exposing faulty differentiation
- Pointing to the One Source
- 1,20,b Instruction on the seven elements
- the element of earth
- the element of fire
- the element of water
- the element of wind
- the element of space
- the element of perception
- the element of consciousness
- 1,21 Ananda's understanding expressed in his gatha

- Meditative study of all as unreal
- The One Mind being the source of both delusion and enlightenment
- A probe into the disciple's understanding of noumenon and phenomenon to reveal the rise of illusions
- The Real missed by cognizance of the false
- The three finer conditions of unenlightenment
- The six coarser conditions of unenlightenment
- 2,b The law of continuity
- Continuity of the (physical) universe
- Continuity of (the realm of) living beings
- Continuity of karmic retribution
- The uncreated and unending
- The unhindered intermingling of noumenon and phenomenon
- Expounding the common source of delusion and enlightenment to sum up the intermingling of noumenon and phenomenon

- Meditative study of the Mean (Dhyana)
- Elimination of 'is' to reveal the true Mind
- Elimination of 'is not' to reveal the true Mind
- Simultaneous elimination of 'is' and 'is not' to reveal the absolute Mind
- The One Mind, sudden awakening and realization

- Objects contemplated in meditative studies
- Practice of meditation for Self-Enlightenment
- The subjective mind in the meditation
- The objective phenomena in the meditation
- The point of departure
- Looking into the roots of klesa to find the sense organ suitable for meditation
- 4,b Expedient instruction on the One Mind
- Main instruction on the three meditative studies of the One Mind
- 4,c How to unty the six knots
- Meditation on the six sense data
- Meditation on the five sense organs
- 4,d Meditation on the six consciousnesses
- Meditation on the seven elements
- 4,e Meditation on the organ of hearing [Avalokiteshavara's method]
- 4,f Manjushri's gatha teaching he appropriate method for human beings

- Discipline and its three decisive steps, sila, dhyana and prajna
- Prohibition against carnality
- 5,1 Prohibition against killing
- Prohibition against stealing
- 5,2 Prohibition against lying

- The Tathagata store from which arise both Samsara and Nirvana
- 6,1 The origin of living beings and the world
- The inverted cause of the existence of living beings
- The inverted cause of the existence of the world
- 6,2 The twelve types of transformation
- The twelve groups of living beings
- Transmutation of Samsara into Nirvana
- 6,3 The three gradual steps to wipe out Samsara
- 6,4 Progressive advance in Bodhisattva development
- The stage of dry wisdom
- The ten stages of Bodhisattva faith
- 6,5 The ten practical stages of Bodhisattva wisdom
- The ten lines of Bodhisattva action
- 6,6 The ten acts of dedication
- The four additional harnessing stages
- 6,7 The ten highest stages of Bodhisattva development
- The Universal Enlightenment
- The Absolute (or Wonderful) Enlightenment
- The title of this sutra

- The enlightenment of Quan Yin (Avalokiteshvara), part 1
- The enlightenment of Quan Yin, part 2
- The enlightenment of Quan Yin, part 3

A few entries worth extra attention:

- Finger at the moon: 1,7
- Hearing: 4,b; click also 4,e and 4,f
- Kung-an: 1,7
- Lotus Dharma: 4,b
- Lotus Sutra: 4,d
- Molecules: 4,d
- One, the: 1,7and 4,b
- Pure Land: 1,8
- Patient endurance of the uncreate: 4,d
- Second moon: 1,7,b
- Turbid kalpa: 4
- 108,000: 4,c
- 44 stages of bodhisattva development: 6
- One Mind: 6,4 and 6,5
- Vipashyana/vipassana and samathaa: 6,7
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The Surangama Sutra

Translated by Upasaka Lu K'uan Yu
(Charles Luk)
Thus have I read / heard. VII The Six Planes of Existence Caused
by Unenlightenment

The Six States of Living Beings in Saüsàra

The Buddha said:

"Ananda, in the round of births and deaths in Saüsàra, birth is caused by the habits (of passions) and death by the flow of (retributive) transformation. (This is why) at the moment of death and before the heat completely leaves the body, all good and evil deeds of a lifetime suddenly re-appear to someone who is dead but on the point of being

The realm of devas

If his mind is wholly thoughtful, it will fly in the air and he will be reborn in heaven. If in this flight it is filled with blessedness and wisdom strongly sustained by his pure vow, it will open to let him behold the pure lands of all Buddhas in the ten_directions; he will be reborn there as a result of his vow.

The realm of seers (rsi) and spirits

If his mind is more thoughtful than passionate, it will not be light enough for him to fly to distant places; he will be reborn as a flying çùi, a powerful king of ghosts, a flying yakùa or an earthbound ràkùasa. He will be able to roam freely in the heavens of the four deva kings. If he is good natured and has taken a vow to protect my Dharma and those who observe the precepts, repeat the mantras, meditate and realize patient endurance, he will dwell beneath the throne of the Tathàgata.

The realm of human beings

If his thoughts and passions are in equal proportions, he will neither rise nor sink, but will be reborn in the realm of human beings where his intelligence comes from the clearness of his thoughts and his stupidity from the dullness of his passions.

The realm of animals

If his passions exceed his thoughts, he will be reborn in the realm of animals where great passions create beasts with hair and fur and mild passions produce winged and feathered creatures.

The realm of hungry ghosts

If his passions and thoughts are in the proportion of seven to three, he will sink into the wheel of water close to the region of fire, will endure intense heat and be reborn as a hungry ghost whose body is constantly scorched by heat and drowned in water, so that he will suffer from hunger and thirst for hundreds and thousands of aeons.

The realm of hells

If his passions and thoughts are in the proportion of nine to one, he will sink into the wheel of fire and be reborn where wind and fire meet. He will dwell in the intermittent hell if his passions are great, in the unintermittent one if they are very strong, and in the avãci hell if he is completely dominated by extremely violent ones. If in addition he slanders the Mahàyàna, breaks the Buddha™s precepts, distorts theDharma when preaching it to deceive his patrons for selfish gain or for fame, and commits the five rebellious acts and ten grave sins he will be reborn (in turn) in all the avãci hells.

Although the above are self-inflicted retributions re-sulting from individual evil deeds, all sinners endure the same
kinds of suffering which originate from (the same) concurrent causes."
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Good_Deed & Evil_Deed

Individual_Karma & Collective_karma
Karma The_six_knots 050606
forsaken by a toaster feed me some more of that sutra!! cleblonkula! ahahaha!!!! 070806
forsaken by a toaster NO NO NO! IT'S CLERBLOINKULA! AHAHAHA!!!! 070806
unhinged . 140831
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