the questioner What is it with all these long-time blatherers complaining about how Blather has changed?


syringe They remind me of my parents. 020116
Dafremen I resemble this blather in more ways than I care to grumble about. 020116
old fart Why Sonny, in MY day there weren't but five or six of us in Blather!

It wasn't anything like it is now!

No, we had to blathe uphill in a foot of snow! We were tough! And, we loved it!

Nowadays it's just a bunch of pansies!

Sittin' at their high-falutin' Pentium processing megabyte monsters ... makes me wanna puke!


A bunch of garbage for the mind, I tell ya!
pralines&cream Ha haha,
I guess I'm one of those who drive a car to school instead of blathing uphill.
daxle guilty as charged 020116
dB Great. Well I'm not that old. It is true that I've lost much hair since I started here though. 020116
dB And look man, in my day we didn't have shoes. we had to walk 26 thousand miles to school over hot coals... you know what we had to waer on our feet? Hot coals!
We had no food, we had to make do with what was around at the time. Sticks and mud mostly.
Then there was snow eight thousand feet deep in the winter that we had to tunnel through for miles to go and take a shit.
Back in the day we didn't have soft pansy turds like you dow nowadays. We had to shit lead litterally on account of that being all we could cook during winter.
Not that I'm complaining mind.
I have fond memories of them days.
Unlike you kids today. s' got it easy you 'ave.
birdmad well i'm among the oldest and i'll admit maybe i'm part of the problem but it's funny that the newer blatherskites frequently accuse us old farts of being clique-ish even though most of us are from fairly divergent backgrounds and all came at different times we kept our little discovry secret from our peers in therea world because many of us either felt that we could spill more of the contents of our heads or even sometimes try to express ourselves in a more artistic manner while doing so

some of us, through interactions we've had with each other have become friends or acquaintences or more

i'm not going to say any one side of this issue is better than the other because blather_is_blather after all

i equate it to the Las_vegas phenomenon it was Sin City before the gamblers started bringing their kids then everyone was coming and the mystique was lost

it became too conversational, especially when people who had regular contact with each other in real life started discussing things that seemed more like stuff to talk about at school or on the phone or whenever else they were around each other

it was all so much "hey, look at me, now i'm here too, isnt this just so cool"

oh well

like Nicol Williamson's Merlin in Excalibur explaining to Arthur that he must one day be gone "it's the way of all things"
Aimee I've been here just about a year... and gracious it's changed... some for the better some for the worse... but it's just not the same and well I'm proud that I'm not newer 020117
dB I miss it birdmad.
I really miss it. And those who have passed beyond the veil.
birdmad yeah.

one can always hope for a blather_renaissance.

the subtitle for King's "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption" -

j_blue been here for a while, since maybe 97ish

not complaining, probably been complained about periodically through the years

not sorry

no rules broken

no harm made
kx21 Life would be less sensible or more monotone without these stuffs? 020119
cube Just as suddenly, everybody wants to jump on the 'old fart' bandwagon. It's all a popularity contest i tell ya.

I have this theory about pheromones - you wanna hear it? Wait. Gotta run. Call me on my cell. We'll do lunch... ;-)
User24 jeez

people have been complaining about blather for over a year!

I guess I'll still be yelling at them to quit moaning and make something happen in 2005, then.
silentbob i feel like blather was better when i started.
i wish i could have blathed like i do now, back that
I helped contribute to the problem.
justone I used to be able to just say the word fart and laugh hysterically. Now I just hold my nose. 030701
u24 bob, we all have in our time, it's just that sometimes the problem that we created evolves so far out of what we made, that it seems like it's not our doing anymore, that somehow we've extracted ourselves from it. anyway.. nevermind, I have nothing to say. 031103
Death of a Rose eeeehhhh!.....speak up sonny....damn young whippersnappers....


lost my dentures....well, back then all we could do was scrape signs in the new metroplis sidewalks, waiting till some new fandangle building came along.....


ha......twenty pollies for a penny...that's we'd tell em....and Nelson, boy did he ever make em jig, hah!

and betty three eyes, well, I wuz durn sweet on her, I was. ah....

sabbie gods i gotta stop eating lentil products.

it's gettin' noxious in here...
sabbie gods i gotta stop eating lentil products.

it's gettin' noxious in here...
oren I'll_be 50 this year.

Cool! That means, according to the_rules, I've_got 15 more years until I'm an old blather fart!
what's it to you?
who go