TCMT In general question to pose:

Anyone have any ideas on the revitalization of blather?
under_the_hat you could always tell_the_people_you_love_about_blather 131127
e_o_i 1) Political arguments that turn surreal.

2) Putting blather-related blathes into the recent pages? Or are we all being TOO meta? What is too "meta"?

3) Getting the friend who told me about blather in the first place off Twitter? Doesn't mean she'd want to blather, though.

4) Renaissance Italy had the Borgias poisoning people. Maybe we won't go that far.

5) The Harlem Renaissance had Langston Hughes. I say we resurrect him. And Zora Neale Hurston.

6) People writing things

7) ...that are not lists?
e_o_i More seriously, because I'm suddenly in a mind to be serious, "resurrecting" old blathes. But I think you said that before, a few days ago. 131128
TCMT I think you have some good ideas though. Especially resurrecting old Langston.

I agree that we should try to find as many old blathes as possible and bring them to the fray...I'm up to that challenge.
CheapVodka brilliant 131130
what's it to you?
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