lovers lament
stalked through the darkness every new sight framed in purple haze my eyes were opened wide higher consciousness ripped rudely open saw everything in such starkness breathed new life into a dead existance only my mind to offer a reply the trees kept my nakedness covered newly born, some recessed instinct revived i was lost somewhere in time though mere minutes no longer applied walking through hours as moments and moments slipped into decades passed alone in a rationale hunting across a ghostly town walked the tracks with confidence a predator, fresh and powerful slipping through tall grass shadows following closely behind laid my head down this morning and woke up as someone else.
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lovers lament
the world has a new flavor a taste that i couldn't grasp saw everything through the eyes of a child in the mind of an adult with an infinite past the trees bent to my presence guardians on the path of enlightenment the light painted a broken landscape of abandoned senses the horizon was skewed, the sky held my content stars falling slowly from their bed becoming tangled into my hair inanimate objects spinning in an orbit only i could see the earth was my heaven, and the heavens my chair curiosity became my driving force to explore all the things i had been blind to i watched the two of you with boundless fascination knowing everything would again become aligned soon and somehow in that ghostly hour walking emptied streets, but not feeling alone i became a new and once more innocent creature with a will to keep moving and a celestial home.
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i remember the first moment it hit me. i could not belive these were my own hands, they looked so different.
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do you ever think you can feel the earth breathing?
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perhaps not the earth, but sometimes the walls and the TV
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lovers lament
it felt like everything was breathing.
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carne de metal
I could picture dwarfs; friendly ones.
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i ate a black gel tab...
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i was the air.
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it's like linking your first words on b_l_a_t_h_e_r. blather is the internet_tripping. how's your endurance? can you outrun a circle? better off just "going with it". circles are like infinitely long lines. you'll be waiting a long, long time on that kind of line. better off learning to dance a little.
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surreal setting even soberly. ghost hunting in southern maryland navy yard woods in the dark. there were lines of mexicans on the dock fishing for stingrays with neon markers on their poles that were leaving trails of light each time they were cast. then someone lit a cigarette and each piece of burning ash floating on the ground was alarmingly beautiful and each one burning out felt like a cosmic tragedy . we were in and out of cabins where people slept and ate and were beaten and tortured but i was more concerned with steps than with ghosts. then the woods ended and we arrived at a beach and i swam in the ocean and then sat in the sand smoking a cigarette and life never felt more worth living. that was the first half hour.
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time can be a funny thing. it's almost like a joke. like the universe has a sense of humor the size of well, the universe and it's telling this long joke called the_story_of_time. we're all sorta waiting for the punch-line. but you see, it's like we're all sitting around a fire listening to a story being told. a story that already happened. a story that already exists. we're listening then we forget and we becomentally IN the story. the vocal illustrations. the master of ceremonies. the invocation of a dream. it's a trip from where you AlREady. meditation brings us back. discipline over the mind. regain ur strengthrough practice. practice playing. to and from the story. that's the joke. and it is very funny.
what's it to you?