Twitch I thought I'd like them...But I can't really define reality when I'm on them.

And there isn't much that I've experieced, more frightening then not understanding reality.
lsdjflasdufiod well no shit. drugs will fuck you up man. actually drugs are ok if you don't abuse them, once you start abusing them then you get fucked up. you see, drugs allow you to drift into alternate realities, realities that are very much real, only undermined by the dominant reality we know as life. the thing is, it's said, that no reality is real unless you make it so. so.. do drugs if you like but don't make them your default reality. i like to compare realities when i'm on drugs and that lets me see how meaningless some things are and how other things - often neglected by the mundane force of being - are actually charged with meaning: eating an apple.

go experiment man but do it carefully and slowly, the metaphysics of self are no child's play. really. good luck.
Twitch No...this is reality...

I don't like living in another made-up reality caused by drugs simply because it is lonely.

I am the only one in my mind.
stork daddy drugs frighten us because they expose just how insubstantial our grasp on a reality we can share with others is. personally i think you can acquire perspective on reality and it's variant states in a more subtle way than the extreme chemical states drugs puts the mind under. but will it feel the same as having sex after taking a pill of e and a pill of viagra? a mystic could tell you better than i. i understand the loneliness though. 051005
asdfjkalshf and you're sure this is reality beacuse...? 051005
daxle I don't hate them, I'm just tired of them.
The side effects, the recovery, the addicts, blah.
mytwohands (my mind says)

i hate drugs i hate drugs i hate drugs

but the rest of me doesn't.
ivyducktwilightseto There is only one reality
Drugs simply distort brain functions.
You do not discover anything in your mind when on them that wasn't already there.
Plus, "drugs" is such a broad term. What kind? Deppressants? Hallucinogens? Narcotics? Barbituates? All put your mind into an altered state and cause you to feel a certain way, often an extreme of some normal feeling.
As for me, I really just drink habitually and smoke pot every now and then. I rarely spend any money on any drugs, and I definitely don't let them get in the way of other things in my life.
ivyducktwilightseto I do, however, loathe my friend whom takes a few hydros and then acts like her world is fucked up for the next week. And then later makes an enormous drama about "finally overcoming her addictions."
Or my other friend, who has dropped acid three times and now believes he has discovered the divine secrets of the universe.
Or the former love of my life that thinks something is horribly wrong with both of us just because we enjoy drinking.
I hate bullshitters. For everyone's sake, just be honest with yourself and those around you. You don't have to impress anyone, especially when you're speaking on the issues of drugs and depression.
Twitch "There is only one reality
Drugs simply distort brain functions.
You do not discover anything in your mind when on them that wasn't already there."

Your totally right.

It just feels like a different reality.

I shouldn't think about drugs as things that make your reality different...they simply make you think different...nothing science can't explain.
Twitch Man...my minds been warpes out for about 4 days since the effexor incident...It's gettin better but still.... 051007
stork daddy nobody is certain this is reality. but that doesn't make drugs a more viable avenue of skepticism than sobriety. 051007
phil It takes more than pseudo-intellect to experience how dumb drugs make you.
(this is not a ham sandwich)
dipperwell I am horribly biased, but I personally feel that people who do drugs just to access new dimensions of reality (or equally banal terminologies for a mind trip) are just too fucking lazy to read a goddam book.

Instead of mooning around in some unfinished basement laughing shrilly at the ceiling fan, why not go out and find out what the world is really like? You'll find yourself significantly more affected, and psychologically shocked, then the chemicals could ever make you. I mean, how strong is a reality that can only be experienced by screwing with your senses? Go out and see poverty, famine, love, death, destruction, worship, humanity...

That should cut your boring universe right fucking open.

At least, it did mine.

Itsall here For Many...drugs are probably just a one-time thing.

People get curious...
pete its not that i hate them, its just that they seem (often, as of late) to be more trouble than they're worth. 051010
1 fuck you all 051010
Twitch Wow...to think I once typed this.

Lord o lord that's that sweet Marijuana talkin...

Adderall when I wke up, Marijuana when I want to go to sleep.
just another teen pillhead i love them
and hate them
and get a sick eagerness in my head when i think about dropping pills.
what's it to you?
who go