minnesota_chris fall in love with jerks. Why is that? 030211
x maybe you need to investigate the world a little more before making any more blind and sweeping generalizations 030211
misguided soul hot chick: i am hot. i have tits. i have an ass. the former are big. the latter is tight.

jerk: i am a guy. i am a jerk. look at me go.

hot chick: ooh! you're hot! you have muscles. you have that hairstyle that every other guy has. nice ass.

jerk: i also have zits covering my ass from steroid use, and i can barely turn my head because my neck is too muscular.

hot chick: i can live with that.

nice guy: hey. i am a nice, sensitive guy. i may not be conventionally hunky, but i'm not hideous. let me woo you. let me open your heart and fill it up with my love. you are a worthwhile person.

hot chick: ew. like, gross. you have feelings, and you actually make it clear that they exist. even worse, you act on them and treat other people like they have feelings as well.

jerk: what a dork. i treat people like objects. especially chicks. they're just pieces of meat. sex toys. fuck 'em and drop 'em.

hot chick: yes! that's more like it!
i think i'm in love with you.

--hot chick runs off to fuck jerk somewhere--

nice guy: i am crushed. alas, nice_guys_do_finish_last.

drug dealer dude: yo. wanna buy some heroin?

--nice guy purchases heroin, snorts some off of drug dealer dude's hand--

nice guy: am whole again. wheeeee...

drug dealer dude: i just love happy endings.
minnesota_chris Ok, maybe I should explain.

Last week, a young woman I'll call Kelly was moaning about her rotten boyfriend. Rich and spoiled boy. But his family was super rich and super nice. She wanted to break up with him, but stay attached to his family, if such a thing were possible. She was giving me long hot stares across the room by the end of the night.

In other words, a woman who could use a break from her boyfriend.

So I asked her yesterday if she had thrown out her boyfriend. She said "WHAT? That's a really sensitive topic right now." He had dumped her because she didn't like it when he went out with the boys. He felt trapped. She said that she was still very very much in love with him, wanted to marry him, loved his family, and she just needs to work out a few of her mental problems so she can get him back.

I was saying "You're selling yourself short... he's the one who needs to work on issues," but it was obvious that she wasn't even hearing me. A week ago she was dying for a break, now she's clutching on to him like someone drowning.

She thinks she needs him. But really, she needs him like a hole in the head. She's beautiful and hard working. He's a selfish jerk. But she figures that if she stays thin, plucks her eyebrows, and wears shirts that show off her boobs, she'll find some man to take care of her. To rescue her. But she just doesn't need one!

It's the feminist part of me that's growling now, and I apologize to all who are still reading. I want women to be independent and strong, not clinging to abusers.
margadant11 are over rated... SO SAY I 030212
x that is ONE woman. she does not represent women in general. there have been guys who have been on the other side. there are lots of people who have never been on either side.
if you want women to have more self esteem, look at the source of the problem: our culture. mainstream media. reject it. if you really care, help stop it, reverse it. write letters/protest. create your own media. share your thoughts with others. but generalizations like this don't help anything.
minnesota_chris I agree with you. And I did protest... but she just wasn't hearing me I think. What else could I do? Write to whom? Write them to stop making Cosmo? 030212
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