Ouroboros It comes in waves with the remembering
Of yesterday, of the woods, of the walk
Of my nervousness, of his hands on my back, sayingI just need to do thiswhile I thought I was the only one
Ouroboros He held his hand over the blue beaded strand on his wrist, and with
intensity and sensuality and honesty (perhaps his eyes were closed),
he said how good it felt on his wrist
Ouroboros Kissing on the stairs, his knees bent so we were eye to eye (mouth to mouth) 060122
Ouroboros I asked him how the poetry reading was, and he could only share howthis one line from a Mary Oliver poemgot him.

You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves...
Ouroboros Eye contact across the kitchen silent smiles over other’s drunken banter 060122
Ouroboros We created a poem together from the magnetic words covering the fridge. I was standing and he sitting- he nuzzled his head against me, touched my body as I stood up 060122
Ouroboros In the parking lot we stood and I wasn’t read to leave yet, and he massaged my neck my shoulders and down his hands over the curves of my hips, my thighs. 060122
Ouroboros He said, I want to pick you up, and he did, and we kissed under a bridge green with rain, over muddy green grass, before the eyes of children passing by, rain clouds, and the highest good within ourselves. Every kiss or two measured out my arms loosing their grip, and pressed against him I slid down and inch or two at a time, a groan or two behind my lips 060122
Ouroboros More more than this this remembering there is more there is more than that moment those moments yesterday than I am writing than I remember than I will remember oh but this feeling inside this heart heat aflame these trembling waves of him stay and stay for a reason 060122
. wild_geese 060122
Ouroboros over breakfast (like i had an appetite) he told me he wore the beaded blue necklace to a group healing he participated in tuesday night, and he felt like he was bringing me with him... 060130
ash ash amazing..


despite my cheese
your cheese? 060629
Ouroboros Whew! I remember how it felt to feel this around him- the waves of heat and the pull of sexual energy between us- even just looking at each other. 091116
unhinged now the lack of it
the hard edge in his eyes when he looks at me now
because i can't talk to him

i want to be able to remember
without it being further tainted
by the petty bullshit of our break_up
i have apologized
i have always been the one that apologized

i am a firm believer
in thinking before you act
and if you think that action might hurt someone
you don't do it
in that light
your actions are just not acceptable

i don't want to forget how much i loved you
because i did you know
love you
with every inch of my lonely shriveled heart
Ouroboros we writhe and wrestle and the dance is our bodies and the dance is our breath 110118
Ouroboros gasping for air, but there is no ground beneath our feet, and we rise, we burn 110118
Ouroboros six years ago we met, and the intensity in our gaze is the same. we have unfolded, so beautifully, and we have yet to blossom fully. gentle unfolding. hearts open. time and space and distance moderating safely. 110118
Ouroboros on this path, we walk, i know you, and you me, and you hold me, so close, your arms tight, you tell me of my wonder and your love for me, and i have already know this and felt this love for you cascading from my heart 110118
Ouroboros locking eyes before he walked through the door 110118
Ouroboros sunlight streaming in as we dance into embrace 110118
Ouroboros "wow, she has beautiful eyes. but i don't think she likes me very much!", he laughs as he recounts the first time he saw me, blue hatted and fierce eyed 110118
h|s|g touching 110119
Ouroboros knowing him and that our connection has happened and is real gives me more faith and hope than i can really express. 110207
what's it to you?
who go