ever dumbening: tinfoil hat secured
i feel like i'm losing my mind. how can they just spin this off like it's nothing? and this is just one of a million pieces of strong evidence against this insane administration. i don't love bill clinton. i don't think he was the greatest thing since sliced bread. but putting the country on hold for a year to talk about his sex life? but this memo drops off the radar in two fucking seconds. this whole thing (not just this memo; the war, the election, enron, 9/11, and on) is getting more and more absurd. i keep coming back to this word: absurd. it's bizzare how tightly wrapped everything is. the people who are aware of the true scope of what's going on are mostly paralyzed, numbed, muted. shouldn't there be massive protest in the streets? right-wing talk radio has a perfect little answer for everything. and ultimately it all boils down to the idea that anyone who says anything bad about bush or this country is "unamerican." logic, reason, rationality: none of these are options. apparently "liberalism is a mental disorder." so when you bring up something like this memo, which to anyone with half a brain is unbelievably damning evidence, you get written off as a liberal nutjob. you're just a bush basher. OF COURSE I'M A BUSH BASHER YOU FUCKING IDIOTS. WAKE UP! in their joint press conference, bush and blair's answer regarding this memo was basically to say that the memo is from a meeting from before going to the u.n. asking for a diplomatic resolution. and this is absolution how exactly? "the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy." remember this phrase, kids, because i'm uncertain as to whether or not it'll ever make it into the history books.
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ps dear kx21, please don't pour your spam all over this page. people probably won't read it anyway, but doing that would secure their not reading it. i don't need a million links to other sites and pages. if people want to find out what the downing street memo is, they can type it into google themselves. ever dumbening: tinfoil hat secured
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anne-girl the idealist
why can't people just get along?
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well, E-dumb, you can thank the wonderfully complicit, allegedly "liberal" corporate whore media here in America, [no...wait, i forget, it's not America any more it's "Murika"] where it's either all Republican Party Propaganda and Talking Points all the time (FAUX/FUX/FOX News) or All-Missing-White-Lady-with-a-heaping-side-of-Michael-Fucking-Jackson-All-The-Time (CNN, MSNBC, the broadcast networks and lately even NPR) who still refer to President Horse-fluffer as "popular" even though his approval ratings among the general public are now 20 percentage points lower than Clinton's were on the day he was impeached You can also thank some of the spineless bitches in the Democratic Party (Joe Lieberman, Joseph Biden, sometimes even Nancy Pelosi) for doing the Republican Party's dirty work for them and taking a shit on Howard Dean every time he tells an ugly, uncomfortable (to them, at least) truth about the nature of the Republican party as it now stands. I've thrown a few extra bucks to the DNC every time Chairman Dean makes a remark that has been the cause of whining from GOP Party chair Ken "Chinless closet-case" Mehlman and any of the spineless Republican-lite Dems in Congress and the Senate, and i encourage anyone with the resources and the inclination to do the same and in spite of what the Naderites have to say, i will disagree and say that right now, there is a pretty huge goddamn difference between the two major political parties. (and considering that Nader's 2004 presidential bid was largely financed by Republicans and he courted the Pat Buchanan followers by suddenly turning nati-immigrant, Ralphie-boy should just shut the fuck up on the subject about which parties are different from which) Maybe if we put a blonde wig on a copy of the Downing Street Memo and tell the press that it is missing, the whores (**coughcough**JeffGannon**coughcough**)in the press might give it some coverage
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e. dumb tinfoil
thanks, b-mad, i was hoping you'd chime in. and where's s.e.m.h.? that's not you is it? anywho. aside from the weight of this particular piece of damning evidence against bushco, i'm continually amazed by how many things like this that we should be truly Outraged by that just slip in to the sands. i just learned about the "eli lilly protection act" that they attempted to slap on (the admittedly already heinous) department_of_homeland_clusterfuckery bill. W. T. F.????????? i mean pork is pork, but holy fucking shit. am i just driving myself more crazy the more informed i become? especially when armed with my long-since-developed senses of logic and justice and compassion, i feel my head smashing repeatedly into the proverbial wall when i attempt to talk to people who buy bushco's shitty product day and night. absurd absurd absurd
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with teeth
"this whole crusade's a charade and behind it all there's a price to be paid for the blood on which we dine just to fight in the name of the holy and the divine" (the hand that feeds)
what's it to you?