dafremen by David Soul

This song is about a wife beater. An unrepentant, abusive chick smacker who has no qualms about dominating his partner verbally and physically. With a little reading between the lines, we can see exactly what this guy's game REALLY is.

"Don't give up on us baby, don't make the wrong seem right"

Ok this is typical abuser-victim brainwashing. He's convincing her that she isn't capable of making a rational decision like leaving him. Not only that, but he implies that she's incapable of distinguishing between wrong and right, when in fact, HE's the one with that particular issue, as we'll see in a second.

"The future isn't just for the night, it's written in the moonlight
And painted on the stars, we can't change us"

Here we see that he doesn't view her as a rational, thinking adult, but as a pony and unicorn obsessed little girl to be soothed with twinkling starlight and shimmering rainbow moonbeams. Most telling of all is his final statement about change. It isn't going to happen he tells her. Not only does this indicate that the abuse will go on, but it also threatens menacingly in a veiled way that she's not getting out of this relationship..EVER. Can't means impossible..right? Psycho!

"Don't give up on us baby, we're still worth one more try"

Now I took this a couple of different ways. First, it seems like if this is the FIRST time he's asking for a second chance, then doesn't that mean he thinks the relationship is only worth two tries? Someone isn't real committed to this thing if that's the case. But let's say he does value the relationship a lot. Does that mean that one more try is like the 40th second chance she's given him? If so, shouldn't she see a pattern emerging and move on?

"I know we put the last one by, just for the rainy evening"

WTF?! Now he thinks she's goign to fall for the ol' Milli Vanilli routine? Blame it on the rain man..good idea. You twisted freak.

"When maybe stars are few, don't give up on us I know
We can still come through"

~ Will she pull through doc? Maybe. If the swelling in her brain goes down and she isn't seeing quite so many stars. ~ Why do I picture oxygen tubes coming out of her nose as he sings this to her in the ICU?

"I nearly lost my head last night, you've got a right to stop believing
There's still a little love left, even so"

Here's the confession. F'ing MONSTER! Damn straight she's got the right to stop believing. If she ever regains consciousness. Notice how little love he acknowledges he feels for her. That P.O.S.

"Don't give up on us baby, lord knows we've come this far
Can't we stay the way we are?"

What's he trying to do? Sound like a football coach? ~C'mon girl! You've made it this far, you're practically USED to the beatings by now. Don't be a pansy and give up!~ And once again he acknowledges that he has no intention of changing.

"the angel and the dreamer
Who sometimes plays a fool, don't give up on us I know
We can still come through"

First he tries to call himself an angel then subtly takes a shot at her ability to cope in the real world by calling her a dreamer AND a fool.

Well, at least he seems to wants her off of life support..he hasn't put a pillow over her head yet.

Shame on you David Soul.
silentbob I can't watch this without thinking he's manipulating me and gaslighting me 140320
dafremen He's a snake..don't believe a word he says. 141116
Lemon_Soda to late... 141117
baby persevere 141117
epitome of incomprehensibility It could be. I didn't really get that vibe, until the "I lost my head last night" line - that sounded suspicious. Lost his head how? ...Still, performer doesn't equal persona and all that... (I'm writing the song from the perspective of Molly Bloom - doesn't mean that I don't think cheating is a great response to a partner's emotional disengagement. Anyway. I'm not famous and the singing thing isn't my career.) 141117
e_o_i "doesn't mean that I don't" - silly double negatives. Apparently I think cheating is great! It's like that Bible typo that said "You shall commit adultery" or whatnot. 141117
e_o_i As for your critique, it reminds me of the whole thing last year with Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines." For better or worse, I listened to the thing. My conclusion: yeah, it's sexist, not because the "blurred line" was meant to be between consent and non-consent (at least, I don't think the writers meant to go that far) but it seems it's about a guy not being sure how to hook up with a someone because he can't tell if she's a "good girl" or a "bad girl." The fact that he wants to classify women this way is sexist in itself. Also pretty silly, as if there's a formula for seduction that varies depending on the object of interest's perceived sluttiness. But anyway.

At least this song here isn't so obnoxious to the ears, even if it's corny. But I guess you'd have to look at David Soul's life to pick up evidence that this song is justifying abuse. Wikipedia says he did break up one of his marriages because he was violent and abusive, so there's that.
e_o_i edits Also, "a song" not "the song" up there. Grr. Guess I need sleep like most other humans. 141117
dafremen You can still come throuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh.. 141201
dafremen Damn I'm good.
dafremen 190202
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