I've never done this before..so I don't know where to begin. I won't presume to know what you and the other "blather_gods" had in mind when you created blather. I'll only state briefly (gawd I hope I can do that) what my perception of it has been..and express how grateful I've been to have this beautiful place in which to invest pure expression. I've always perceived blather as the "holy grail" of writing sites. A place where anything goes..and the true nature of freedom can be seen...and felt in all of its chaotic, self-regulating glory. It's been a godsend to a person who has so many questions about what expression is..who people are..and what it can all mean. And I do have those questions. And I do so want to thank you for creating and maintaining the blue for us. I am honestly and deeply grateful. Thank you again. The more practical subject of this letter regards what I feel was a mistake on my part. A horrible error in judgment. In an attempt to demonstrate that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE..I violated one of our agreed upon standards: do not mess with a personal blathe. I posted two rather lengthy articles on zeke's blathe..in order to (poorly) make a point. I regret that now. I regret that decision and ask you to make something of an exception to your normal hands-off policy and either remove those entries..or if it's not too much trouble..to replace them with links to the articles. I know you are busy...and you have my word that I'll refrain from contacting you again with such a request. I just feel that..it was wrong..and that my point could have been made in some other way. There are certainly, it seems, disadvantages to writing and doing whatever comes to mind. I'll be posting this letter to blather now..a replacement warning to those who might consider following my poorly executed example. Thanks for your time dallas. Please do consider my request. The links to the articles are below. Have a great day...best you ever had. Sincerely, daf (dafremen) [Emailed to dallas@idallas.com]
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They call me Truth
WOW daf...I am so proud of you! (i know, i know, you probably don't care but i have to say it)
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Thank you. It's very gracious of you to say so. Seems like this may be your first opportunity to meet me. Hello..I'm daf..this is how I am.
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thank you. i appreciate the gesture.
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They call me Truth
It is a pleasure to meet you and thank you for introducing yourself to me personally.
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( *sigh* ) thanks dallas. in this age of blogs, blather is still and will always be my favorite place to write. writing, reading, words, poems, stories were my first love as a child. a place where i could go when the rest of the world was hurtful and disappointing. not to mention the blather_family i've drawn to myself over the years. some beautiful, crazy, like_minded, like_hearted people who were anchors for me in my darkest days. blather is my favorite community on the internet. so thanks.
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You're a better person for having sent that, dafremen. sigh. now. let's just all try to get along :D anybody_fancy_a_nice_cup_of_tea?
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I'm the same person I always was. There are a very few who've corresponded with me long enough to...maybe still get confused by the blather_game once in awhile..but know what my true nature is. This was necessary. I do not shrink when it comes to matters of principle. It's just that your principles and mine may be miles apart in some areas. Growing up in a front yard with no parental supervision can do that to a brother. Thank God for the lack of parental "supervision."
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I was originally going to prefix it with "I think". but you are constantly evolving. you are most certainly not the same person even from one moment to the next. at every moment there are infinite paths your personal evolution can follow. If you had chosen a path that did not involve your sending that email, you would be a worse person. better and worse sound like objective judgements, but they're not. I just don't feel the need to suffix them with "in my opinion". how can any human presume to call another "better" or "worse" objectively? ha. you are the same as all of us, daf. you really, really are.
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Oh yea..no doubt about that. I love. I live. I cherish. No difference here.
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Former Enemy of Daf
Thank you, Dafremen. It's a start.
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for my record: i just wanted you to know that even though i won't suck your dick, i love you.
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I have some money for you. I don't know where to send it. I know you aren't doing this for money..just trying to keep it alive. It's been what, 16 years since I came to this place? I owe you a great debt. A debt that money simply COULDN'T repay..even if it were made of banker's tears. This is truly a magical place on the internet that hopefully will never go away. Thank you so much for having the vision to create it and the love to keep it going for so long. Please send an address where I can chip in something here and there.
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nicole, You're a good friend. Sorry for any bullshit back then. It was a rough spot and the shit hit the fan. Didn't mean to splatter. You_are_loved. (Ok, plug aside, love you too, do0d.) P.S. I wouldn't suck your dick either.
what's it to you?