see also address_to_my_online_journal jessi and company are creating a livejournal community for blather, or at least gathering interest who all has livejournals and who would like to join?
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the only problem i see with an lj community is if an lj community is made, it'll mean widespread exposure across the new big fad, LJ. the influx of LJ users to blather will ncrease the amount of other people coming to blather, and thus .... it'll not be the beautiful secret held close to your heart anymore. no more people stumbling onto it because fate grabs them by the wrist and directs them here. they'll see it on their friends'-friends'-friends' page, and thus it becomes one of those LJ phenomena. a trend. kinda like those memes flying around everyone and their brothers' friends list which tell you what kind of fruit smoothie you would be, or what color your soul is. imagine clicking on the interest 'blather' and having it return 500+ results. but if you want that, continue on. it's strange how motherly one can become over something so silly as a website...but blather is a beautiful thing and to see it become some widespread trend would kind of ...for lack of a better term, suck. see: (things_that_suck) the concept of a blather-oriented LJ community is interesting...but why not just post on blather what you'd post on lj? sigh. then again, maybe it'll help blather grow into something even more wonderful ... but my negativity is outweighing the hope.
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it's been a long time since its been a secret close to my heart that no one knows about. blather is so much bigger now than it ever has been. when i started blathing, even then it was bigger than the year before i started.
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once again
Besides blather doesn't keep non believers. You've seen it... some one blathes once and never returns... some don't even get so far as blathing... they look go WTF and surf away... blather is like a convention... sure it's prolly lots of fun, but not if conventions aren't your thing, or if words aren't or if strange people frighten you or if you have a deep abiding phobia of the color blue... the ones that stay are the ones that love...
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right...it might make people come check it out but i've made people look...& they don't get it or they blathe once & get bored i'm in...lemme know what i have to do http://www.livejournal.com/~mschitchat http://www.livejournal.com/~wanton_soup
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little wonder
I understand your concerns somebody. But, I also agree with once again. There are plenty of people who have come across blather, and left to never return. There are people I've introduced to blather that didn't want to spend the time to figure out how it works, and discover how absolutely wonderful it is. Blather draws certain people along, and it has grown. I've never come across anything on here that I've felt shouldn't be. Blather is what it is because of the people here and because of what they've shared. We can't stop anyone. We can't keep it to ourselves. With that being said, I also feel a certain protectiveness over this place. It's very dear to me. The lj community idea was not meant to be something to introduce it to the lj masses. It was just another something to get blatherskites together in another place, and because I have a live journal and post in it often, the idea of a community there came to mind. I've half-assed started it, my intent was to have it members only, and you have to be "approved" as a member. The only requirement for approval is that you blather. I don't plan on posting the blather website anywhere in the community, and the info page isn't going to be detailed. If at all possible, maybe friends only posts so only members could read (although I haven't figured this out yet).
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but it should be optional to do friends only, i mean there's no way to force anyone to ANYWAY not sure if thats what you meant i think its a good idea not to post the blather addy on the community. are you gonna post the community here or email it to those of us who are interested?
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once again
oddly enough... I checked the number of people with blather as an interest when i first saw the address_to_my_online_journal page. There were around 10 now there are lots more.
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i wonder how many of those are people who actually come here, or people who just liked the word blather, assuming it meant talking a lot about nothing, or something. ive found some of those
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little wonder
www.livejournal.com/community/blatherlj ARRR.
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no reason
i'd join. username tracesofsilver what would the community name be? since blather's already taken
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no reason
crazy. i swear i posted this beFORE (or at the same time as) that was posted. ;)
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is it up yet?
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little wonder
it's up, just waiting for people to contact me to join... and if anyone doesn't like how it looks, wants a more "blather-ish" icon, etc, feel free to get the password from me and fuck with it. I just wanted it up and running and don't have time to make everything perfect. also, if anyone on here doesn't have a livejournal, know that you can sign up for free and don't necessarily have to update your personal lj to be a part of the community.
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best way to contact you?
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little wonder
eh, just drop me a comment in my journal. or email me. lj= [www.livejournal.com/users/emptyvanity] email= [insidiousglamour@hotmail.com] or harass me online. aim= [letaquinent] any of these ways will probably be equally successful...
what's it to you?