User24 by User24.

woooooooooo fucking hooooooooooo

look ma, I'm on camera.

Muahahaa.. technology is evil and must be banned? nah.


yes folx, this blathe is video enhanced!

if you go to the URL above, you'll be able to see this blathe happening at 3 minutes past midnight, September 16, 2003!


in a few moments, I'll be hitting the little 'blather' button and, well, blathering! before your very eyes.

check out the URL above...

User24 ok, here we go on part two, while the video's uploading.. (it's near 20mb, I've adjusted the quality so hopefully this one'll be smaller)

ok, off I go!
User24 shit, this one's taken ages... I'ts gonna be big.. 030915
User24 101mb.. mm, I may have to edit that a little, sorry, but you'll have to wait until another day for that one (it'll give you time to download the first one) 030915
User24 you might not be able to stream it.. try to download it and then play it, rather than play it from the web. 030915
mon whilst i download i'd just like to say this idea is kickin! 030915
mon knits a scarf 030915
mon that was rockin 030915
User24 did you get it?

I might do this every night, I'll turn the quality right down, so it'll download faster.
mon audio_blather , now that is something i'd buy tickets to

i've started taking photos of my_computer on drugs (the blatherscreen recent)
oldephebe is a tech inept i went to that URL and it came up server not detected..what gives?
mon if you have a media program installed (such as Realplayer) try opening the URL from inside the program
(for me with Realplayer it's click-click to open program, click on file, then on open, then paste the addy in the 'type a location of a clip or webpage etc.' box.

maybe that doesn't help you though oldephebe,
hard to know without VNC'ing ya (remotely accessing for the purpose of technical aid)
being that i'm not a hacker,..i haven't a clue what progies you might be running on your machine, so my comment about Realplayer might be irrelevant
User24 also, try 030919
User24 good idea about audio, I could get a program to read a blathe outloud, while I surfed.. cool.. 030919
mon video_killed_the_radio_star


blah blah blah

blah blah

(forgetting the tune)
mon i was thinking ya know like cafe_blather spoken poetry night
get everyone (who wants) to read/record a blathe
an online mixtape type of thing

to to be able to hear an audio recording of Yeats' voice singing "Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee" was enough to send electric shivers through my heart my skin

a program to read blather would be neatsome as well, which from your comment i assume means a computer generated sound that reads the blathe/any blathe? page aloud (look mom no hands)
User24 yeah, one of those 'greetings, professor falken' things (except now you don't need a huge bit of hardware to do it)

though your idea is way cooler.
karl the weed cool 030919
Flowers from Safeway I thought about audio blather as well. I was planning to record one on monday when I have more time. 030920
mon neat! i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna
who else is gonna?
User24 yeah, I'll knock one up tonight if I get round to it. 030922
User24 kudos to Flowers and nom for getting this together 030922
nom :)
Flowers bows 030922
misstree holy crapola, batman. i am absolutely bowled over. i was wonderfully disconcerted when i first went there, and there's some really cool stuff up, and omg flowers, i literally sat here transfixed, mouth agape, that is so incredible. is there a printed version anywhere about?

whew. okay, i'm going to sit here and stop panting and then clean up where i peed myself and then i'll be okay. damn.

and here's the link reposted for easier reference:
Flowers from Safeway Mistree:
I just typed one up for you.
see: optimism
Bespeckled That was awesome User24. I had no idea what you were talking about until I saw it.

It's kind of like peeking into someone's brain during the thinking process. Kind of like one of those wishes people always want (besides being able to fly and become invisible).

Thanks. :)
celestias shadow dude, that's awesome. i love the idea. 030928
User24 trouble is the files turn up massive, I need to know more about video editing, otherwise it's futile trying to do anything big (I'd love to tape an entire 'session' at blather, complete with annotations, etc)

the software's called camstudio, google's got the URL, all you need is an angelfire account and you can upload your own (I can't get max upload size greater than 2 meg on project2501 :( )
Flowers from Safeway I wish I had one of those video capture cards. 030928
User24 with camstudio you don't need a special card (AFAIK..) 030928
Flowers from Safeway Yeah, but I'd like to hook up my videocamera and make some movies. 030928
User24 oh, hell yeah, that'd be sweet. for the latest video blathe of mine (12.2 meg - I'll have to get a video compressor that works..)
. audio_blather 031013
Twitch i never got too see one of always kinda bummed me. 050523
stork daddy you aren't ready for my grim visage blather 050524
u24 I'll see if I can dig them out. :-) 050708
Twitch alright! I want this back up... 060105
meta meta 060222
national hero hmm, nice idea, I dunno about the site......
It really doesn't seem like blather.
national hero we don't want blather to slowly become myspace 060328
nom coming soon to a theatre near you 060406
what's it to you?
who go