nom it's sunny outside you forget your dreams you're cold from sleeping you throw on a sweater and some socks you phone an answering machine about a ride you wait you wheeze you sigh you let the cats out it's sunny outside 060425
nom you're still awake 060426
no reason and it's sunny out and at first you panic but then you're surprised and relieved, it's only 7:07 060426
KISA dont know where i am who i am what i am then i remember 060427
nom one morning yelling help

another giggling to yourself
mangrove alone again, always alone; just you and the moon and the way things could be 060615
Roaul Duke from your naive dreams of the perfect life you will lead. 060616
nom it's midnightsomething you've been asleep dreaming about a couple hours you feel yucky you smoke some listen to lisa li-lund eat perogies 060720
nom your banjo to the left
your guitar to the right

you don't feel so great
daxle your floor is a collage: practice poi, a pamphlet with a huge bite torn out of it, a yard stick, and assorted other items with less meaning related to the night before. The pamphlet reads "The Ever-present Reality of Problems". Last night that made you chuckle. You wake up, and it seems apropos. Leftover Pappy Van Winkle is snearing from your desktop. 061028
nom and you look at the clock
and you're like what the fuck
nom and you're singing dark as a dungeon 061104
stork daddy mmm pappy van winkle 061104
definitely not a rabbit disgustipated 061120
nom you listen to belle_and_sebastian 061120
sameolme and the cave is still crumbling down
around me.
sameolme Hey, it didn't happen that time!
I always copy the letters in the box,
but most of the time the cave still
crumbles. Does anybody know why?
Should I get some cave glue or what?
factory reject when your cave crumbles, make stone_soup? 061120
Emptyness Alive and see her next to sleeping softly, you kiss her button nose and it wriggles softly and she starts to wake, the first thing she see's is you watching her and smiles knowing that shes safe 061121
jack If you wake up at a different time
and in a different place, could you
wake up as a different person?
Emptyness Alive no the person you are is the person you will always be till you personality changes coz of the life you lost 061123
Ouroboros and meditate on the roof-top with sunlight slowly warming your toes 061123
Ouroboros and curl into the fetal position on your boyfriend's bed. he's sitting in the doorway eating hardboiled eggs. you've just dreamed about your brother getting in trouble with your father (again). the weight of your anxiety about everything is crushing and paralyzing. your boyfriend comes back to bed and you begin kissing and momentarily forget everything . 070715
daxle And you think "it's 5am ohgodplease please let me sleep more. I don't have to get up for another hour!!" and then you think "hey wait, it's saturday!" and pass out until 9 when you wake up thinking "must bike must bike (must not check bonktown) must bike (okay, maybe just once)" 090314
jane we_wake_to_find_ourselves_locked_in_a_dream
me i may not rememberit all, but at least i know it's me. 090416
unhinged to some fucking bullshit noise at 8:30am for the third time this week.

seriously. what the fuck.
Ouroboros because for the second time this week they are trimming trees and I had to move my car by 7am 090416
daxle You hope she'll go back to sleep. You put pillows over your head. You tell yourself to get up. You tell yourself he should get up.
She doesn't go back to sleep.
You get up, get him up, and go back to bed.
He brings her into the room and plops her on your head. And so the day begins.
ivyducktwilightseto and the dream still seems quite real. The details feel permanent, and what you did is not undone. You wander your halls, asking yourself questions, questioning your reality, wondering why your life is the way it is, and not the way you dreamt it. You sit down on the kitchen floor in the dark and live in your dream just a while longer, and you are free from your life and the hooks sunk deep into your skin.

The sleepy feeling fades and you know life is still the same, and you are unsure how to feel about that.
Ouroboros and slip into a hot bath, watching the steam curl up to the window. your muscles relax and you are calm. it's gray outside, the ground wet with overnight rain. the house is silent except for you. you are still in the hot water, soaking in the fragrant oils of tee tree and sweet orange. what a lovely way to begin this day. 101210
n o m e e every day sick 101210
what's it to you?
who go