yolanda i had a dream last night that i was making out with this guy i liked in high school for two years, but i never could get up the nerve to say something to him. that was a cool dreama. ;) 000529
silentbob i had a dream that we went to my girlfiends sisters wedding and my girlfriend got out of the car and she was smoking in front of her parents and i was going to kiss her hello but she let out a huge cloud of smoke from her mouth and she kinda treated me like she didn't want to know me anymore. 000618
Barrett Fucked my girlfriend, and she cheated on him too. Ha! 000623
Rhin is this amazingly good-looking British guy, who happens to be a very close friend. We have shared so much. He always seems to know when I am spiraling towards the gamut. He says, "Rhin, come and share my sunset". I walk up the hill to him, sit between his legs, he wraps his arms around me, and no words are ever spoken. He gives me what I need, by his mere presence. He knows I'm always jealous of his countless holidays spent in Edinburgh, though he always says, that he takes me with him, as he treks throughout the castle, and when he lies on the banks of the Lochness. Colin really deserves someone to share his passion with, as long as it's not some psycho from Manhattan (sorry babe)! Well, I've reduced myself to babbling again...but there is alot to love about Colin. 001208
highland I wanted you to know I kept your picture. I left you little hidden messages in code where no one would seen them. I remember everything you've ever said to me and it only makes it hurt more. When I bitch about how the world is full of shitheads I exclude nobody but you. Oh, I found a new song for us, about playing a tape to myself with all of the memories and trying to unfreeze my heart.
Fuck, I sound like I'm a loser. But I am, because my greatest dream was to hold you and smoke weed in the bathroom with my head on your shoulder and yours on mine, loving eachother and never letting the moment go, and it really would last forever. My heart still hurts when I think of your smile. Know that I love you, and I care about you, and I like the things you do, and my life has been shit and I'm grateful for love.
tinkerbell* Colin must be great, I want to be close to him. How should I go about doing that????? 020327
Julie* You have a wonderful mind. I cant wait to see you, but theres something missing that I cant detect. I love spending time with you in words I can;t describe. We'd make a good team. 020327
squigglybee my boyfriend, my best friend. everything i could ever want a boyfriend and best friend to be. he is the most amazing person in the world, and he loves me for who i am. he is an amazing, talented, creative individual who is unique in his own way and who makes me happy every day... 020705
eklektic this guy who works with me is a great guy. he is 22 and he's tall and lanky and has brown hair and brown eyes. he's cute in a stupid kind of way. he looks like he's always saying "huh?". another one of my co-workers used to like him, and would tell me about how he would give her rides home and he would make her listen to Tenacious D, but she never paid attention, because she was "focusing on liking Colin", as she put it. i finally got to work a shift with colin and found out that there is a lot to like about him. i asked him to name off the music he listened to and he said, among other things, Velvet Underground, Radiohead, the Hives and Belle and Sebastian. all the rest i had heard of and listened to, but i had yet to experience Belle and Sebastian. i'm happy to say that today i went out and bought a Belle and Sebastian cd for 7 bucks at Record Exchange. its wonderful. i also bought it because, somewhere, it said "If you like Rufus Wainwright, you would like Belle and Sebastian." i'm currently madly in love with Rufus Wainwright's music - and him. his sexual preference isn't a factor. 020706
freakizh rufus is gay?

i loved his cover of across the universe.
ummmmmm i like colin 040326
ethereal colin boland is a neat guy. 040326
what's it to you?
who go