somebody No seriously!

I realize that I'll never be able to own my own house, I don’t want to pay 20 or more years on a house and I don’t want to live in an apartment for the rest of my life. So I fig a Double Wide Trailer house and owning a reasonable sized plot of land MUST cost less then a house or livening forever in an apartment and while I've been looking on google it's not really helping out much so I figed at lest one of yall would know the roundabout cost of a Double wide Trailer
notme build a cob house. that's my plan. it's dirt cheap. 040609
daxle some people find house buying to be a life changing and enlightening experience 040609
somebody As well as wallet draining

I just wanna save up for a few (ok possibly 5) years buy it all at once and be done w/ it not pay on it forever, I mean really why spend the rest of my life paying when I don’t have to? Why not put that money to better use? Say for instance retirement!
- . 040610
Slipping between the pages Well (it's a deep hole, I know, please continue with your life), I could say that the land cost me 25,000 and the trailer cost 25,000. But the trailer was 2nd hand (previously owned by a little old lady who chain smoked like a 67 pontiac) and the land isn't all that great. For a couple of acres and a double wide you should be looking at close to 150,000. I think it would be worth it just for the land. Good luck. 040610
somebody yea I can see it now, buy the land fence it off and live in a tent for a while until I can afford the trailer, certainly be an interesting life experience and more cost effective then livening in an apartment (and yes I am considering yearly land tax as well) while trying to save up for a trailer, don't know if I'd actually do that but it sound like a good idea, buy me a kiddie pool to use as a tub ^.^ anything’s possible as long as you set your mind to it!


That’s all I was really looking for was a round about price from some one like you who would know! ^.^
Poor White Trash No Problem. You do know that you could probably build a rammed earth or a straw bale house for far cheaper.

Anyways, good luck.
dosquatch Find a plot of land with a nice hill and build an in ground house. No exterior paint to keep up, you save tremendously on your heating and air_conditioning bills.

Being a Hobbit is the New Cool.
somebody yea like social status ever mattered to me 040610
auto weblink 040610
MINNESOTa_CHRIS I'd LIKE TO BUILD a STraW BALe house. i'VE HEARd THAT you haVE TO KEEP THEM OFF the ground, MAKe suRE THAT they never get hit by raiN, ANd STucco them INSTead OF PAInting them, so THEY CAN breaTHE.

(haS a BAd CAps LOCK KEY)
somebody auto weblink (dosquatch?) I LOOOOOOVE this idea, I even did some figures and excluding the cost of labor what I want is about (that is if I did my math correctly) 11,364!!! Who knows I might even splurge for an inside pool! *L* Any way this is Fabulists!! I'm glad you brought this option to my attention 040610
dosquatch Happy to help :) I've always thought this was a very cool way to go. It's what I want to do when I build. Given the engergy efficiency (earth is one of the best insulating materials available) and the asthetics - how little it impacts the natural landscape - I have never understood why this isn't far more common.

I will neither confirm nor deny that I am auto_weblink ;)
Just another link 040610
somebody only if I lived in Arizona or New mexico would I even consitter that, shure it's a nice idea for other ppl though 040610
Needle in the hay bale It's not as bad as you think, we have many straw bale houses up here in the north country as well. Thermally viable, cheaper then earth sheltered......

But again, it's up to you.
somebody no unfortunately it's more up to the weather then it is up to me 040610
notme hey i live in a land of extreme heat and extreme cold, and straw bale and cob houses are very popular here. they can handle rain, snow, fire,...they're awesome. organic!
i was wanting to build a little cob cottage for myself this year but i don't think that's going to happen, so i'm planning for next year if i'm still here.

"...Cob has been used for centuries throughout Western Europe, even in rainy and windy climates, as far north as the latitude of Alaska...Unlike adobe, cob can be built in cool damp climates like the Pacific Northwest: its resistance to rain and cold makes cob well suited in all but the coldest parts of America...Cob structures require little additional heating in winter and remain cool and comfortable on hot summer days..."

notme "...Cob was used as a building material in Canada by early immigrants from the British Isles.
As recently as the great depression of the 1930's, cob was promoted by the Roosevelt administration. It was subsequently subverted by powerful lumber barons who smeared it as Bolshevik inspired. Earth archecture became another casualty of the cold war..."

somebody That suddenly doesn’t sound so outlandish after all it's defiantly something I check more into later today or tomorrow when my attention span isn’t so short and sporadic thanks for the link! 040610

notme welcome. 040610
dosquatch Heyyy, I kinda like that cob stuff. Partner that up with a sod roof and the world is a happy place!

ecobuilding advocate
Otto Weblink 040610
what's it to you?
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