stork daddy please...pay attention to me 020515
Toxic_Kisses How much should I pay you? 020516
stork daddy anything extra you've got... 020516
stork daddy anything extra you've got is just fine 020516
Toxic_Kisses I seem to have a spare unused Hug hanging about, will that do? 020516
stork daddy it's more than i ever expected, but less than i can repay...wonderful combination there 020516
stork daddy it's more than i ever expected and less than i can repay, a wonderful combination right there 020516
stork daddy obviously if i'm repeating myself 020516
Toxic_Kisses *hugz the Stork* 020516
stork daddy coos....coos...and sheds....layers of mistrust of course...not feathers...i'm a considerate hugger 020516
"Ancient Pagan" Ha! Ha! I visited this page before Silentbob! Has anyone ever noticed how ubiquitous he is! I suspect he may have unspoken-of, government connections to the High_Council_Of_Blathe! (Did you know the Blather is run by the government and is involved in conspiritorial cover-ups in connection to the Roswell incident?) I heartily suspect that Silentbob is non-human, in short...HE IS A LITTLE GRAY!

Better put Elvis on this case immiediately! (elvis never died...a government faction helped him establish a new identity as a Las Vegas detective...elvis presley, alias 'bucky malone' now works with that faction against the government's alien-human conspiracy...)

How can I verify this, why have I brought these incidents to your attention? Because the Public needs to know, THE PUBLIC NEEDS TO KNOW!!! How can you trust this information........well, Ancient_Pagan is the most perfect and truthful demigod on Earth--that's how!

squint (duh) 020517
bethany i spent the day with 50 thirteen year olds screaming this all day through an amusement park

i will never chaperone again

after that, i too want some attention
Arwyn I'm tired of not getting any attention... I got so accustomed to receiving it all the time that now that it's gone, I feel incredibly unimportant... it's really depressing listening to your mother talk about the virtues of her new beau one moment, then insult the shit out of your own beau the next... only to be followed by watching her and slapnuts make out on the couch... Hell even my dog won't pay attention to me... 020518
florescent light maybe it's because you whine so much 020518
stork daddy attention granted to all of you 020519
Arwyn You know florescent, you're probably right... It makes a lot of sense. I mean, seeing as how my life feels (to me) that it's gone to shit, most other people probably don't see it that way. But I'm touched florescent. I really am... someone actually reads what I write.. But now that they're complaining perhaps I should start censoring what I say, seeing as how at least one person dislikes what I have to say, there may be more... then again, ya'll don't have to read what I write. So if you purposefully inflict the "pain" of reading something authored by me, then it's your own problem and you have no one to blame but yourself. 020519
pralines&cream aimee, although i've never met you, by reading what you blathe i have had glimpses into your life, and I hope i'm correct in saying that i know, at least somewhat, your character and your situation in life. Point being, i think that i somewhat understand what you're all about, and i like it :)
You seem like a good, caring person.
Arwyn thanks 020519
Arwyn :) 020519
blamethesky i want your attention 020519
Invisible Butterfly i want attention...doesn't everyone...i just refuse to stand up , stomp my foot ike a lil child , and demand it like all the immature lil pricks out there. and anywayz i think i perfer silent attention 020705
splinken brass_in_pocket is my theme song. 030418
celestias shadow *wanders accidentally into spotlight.* ooops. terribly sorry. excuse me, excuse me. i really didn't mean to. 031029
pipedream whaddya mean 'want', i always GET it. no point in sittin' around waiting for it to mosey over...i can never be anonymous, even when i try. 031029
Strideo it seems i get attention when i don't want it and don't get attention when i do want it
Strideo actually, thats not ALWAYS the case. my lifes a little better than that ^_^
no reason sometimes.
though i'm never sure exactly what to do with it when i get it.
Doar twood be nice. 031030
endless desire attention to Road. . .attentionattentionattentionattentionattention!!!! 031030
Road geez, that wasn't nearly enough attention......try harder.......lol 031030


. 031030
Road just got blasted from my chair, went through the window, found myself in a snowbank, just trying to figure out what the hell hit me.

oh......big attention.


put a smile on my face.


... 031030
pipedream hahahhahaha

:_) i'm so broke i can't even pay attention.

*complete silence and people boo at bad joke*
three words i_want_attention plee_to_t i_pity 101030
re_alisma despite it all, attention is not really the it-thing conmigo. i don't even really know what the it-thing really is, just that i don't really get it on a regular basis. it's probably serotonin, but the nature of anti-depressants would ruin all the structures i've tentatively built, and besides, there's not much there worth saving, so i need that extra motivation provided by the it-thing. it's too late for relying anti-depressants, in other words, but it might have worked a decade ago, and that is, probably, all_my_fault, that catastrophic_collapse of mine, which proved something about the limits of lame_academic_success and the need to engender and defend something more substantial... so thanks for the lesson, arts jerks. i guess i wasn't strong enough. it's not about attention, the straight kind, conmigo. 101031
what's it to you?
who go