i think that intelligence doesnt reflect being smart. intelligence is the capacity to learn. which i have a lot of. but being smart is making good decisions. which happens to be where i fail.
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baby satan
true: the possession/existence of a quality (in this case, intellingence) does not necessarily reflect the ability to employ it effectively, if at all. BUT norwegian death metal is the perfect music to play at a funeral.
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I have always found norwegian death metal has very interesting rythmic devices that counterpoint the surrealism of the underlying metaphor. Much like Swedish black metal. Of course the prefect place for it is at a funeral, as long as it is it's own funeral, which it seems to have forgotten to attend.
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baby satan
and that's why i'm here.
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well said lost. i think that being "smart" is a combination of wisdom through experience and just having common sense. whatever that means. one empty term after another. this post is neither intelligent nor smart, but it IS saturated with volkswagon juice and the essence of ham sandwiches and the magic of Bjork.
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Ah, Bjork. Who can forget her shiny happy smiling face as she beat up that reporter.
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i only wrote this because my teacher says i am a genius and i make bad decisions so my mom calls me stupid, and i feel that intelligence just doesnt reflect how smart you are.
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As a child I was called a genious. Even had some schools run some tests on me and shit. Just goes to show you how wrong and stupid the education system in england is. Intelligence is merely the ability to assmilate and retain and apply information. It's an ABILITY, that's the key word. Knowledge is what you are talking about. The more you KNOW the smarter you are. But even then, it's how you use that information that tells u if you are smart or not.
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And one day, if I ever learn to type properly, I'll be almost as smart as that hallucinatory monkey over there.
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no doubt. hey lost, respect your teacher and your mom, but at the same time don't take either of their criticisms too seriously. being coined a genius can be a plague and so can being told you're stupid. keep it all in medium range and just go on with things. and what kind of bad decisions are you making? i'm curious to know. anyhow, just be yourself, always, never stop, tinker with everything, react, observe, react, observe. words of affirmation from paste! (who still doesn't know how to use his brain properly)
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you know Paste!you sound alot like dafreman. you both give good advice.
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i'm half norwegian and half mohawk (they call me biff debris)
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Intelligence is simply a measurement used to benchmark a person's ability to comprehend. The more quickly and easily you comprehend something the more intelligent you are. The less CLUES you need in order to comprehend, the more intelligent you are. That is why there are different IQ test sets for different age groups. They had to compensate for EXPERIENCE which can bring with it...WISDOM. Neither of which have ANY bearing on your level of intelligence. I less intelligent person who actually LEARNS from their experiences could have more wisdom than a more intelligent person who IGNORES the lessons from their past or who can't control their IMPULSES and instead acts on them. So don't let the genius thing go to your head. It's a curse disguised as a blessing unless you use it to better your situation and the lives of those around you. Me personally, I "dumb" myself up EVERY day in order to relate to the people around me who although usually less intelligent, are none the less just as smart or SMARTER than I am.
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screwing for virginity
all my life ive been concedered "gifted" or "smart" or a "genius" but i know im not much (if any) smarter than everyone else, i have been trying to figure out why people insist on isolating me in those groups because i happen to get things alittle faster than some.
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this subject really hits home for me. you see, i am the only person in my family who didn't graduate (or finish for that matter) college. i attended many junior colleges and vocational schools but always dropped out. my sister is a college professor. i'm not. but my mother (and she's not biased) tells me I'm the smart one. how could that be, if i don't have a degree? I'm not smart or intellectual but I do think I'm wise. For me education is about life. Life teaches me many things. It doesn't end after you graduate. And some graduates are too busy working with what they got their degree in to continue to learn. I don't want to ever stop learning. I watch educational T.V. I read. I don't make much money. But I'm happy with what I do for a living. The only piece of paper I needed was a resume, not a diploma. Yes, I'm ignorant, but it's blissful.
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pride in one's intellect, or jealousy over another's, is still a bad thing
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Indeed, some of the most intelligent people I know are really quite stupid.
what's it to you?