andrea this feeling that’s grown inside me
is pushing its way to the surface
begging to be let out
while my insecurities & fears
keep it trapped just below
the edge of my skin
& that impending release frightens
me more than anything else has
ever in my entire life
the 3 words I’ve dream of
hearing from someone so secure
& trustworthy arenow the ones I fear
& dread receiving into my ears
even more so, I know my reality
will be shaken when they
finally escape my mouth

say is isn’t so, that it’s all a
part of some wonderful &
incredibly unreal dream I’m having

if this is the beginning, surely there
must be an end lurking somewhere
in the shadows, behind a bush
waiting to jump out & catch me
at my most unprepared, my
most vulnerable, my weakest
a time when I am so totally
unguarded & unable to protect
all the things I’ve let out

& I have no on to blame but myself
& the way I’ve let them shape
my, mold me into this fearful
creature, crouched & ready to strike
out when I am threatened

anger boils in the pit of my stomach
& makes it churn as I realize
that no matter what happens
to them, whether they forget
me, whether they regret me, or
whether they receive their
ultimate punishment with GOD
I will forever & always carry a
piece of them with me, a dark
blackened bit of their hate
if they had known the outcome of
their actions, would they have
been so incredibly selfish &
cruel, or would they have taken
into consideration all it would
bring me? I doubt it…the monster
that lurked in them needed
to feed upon an innocent
I only thank GOD that the second
& third times I was not
so innocent anymore

I wish I could change myself
remove the scars & smooth the
rough edges, erase the horror
stories & replace them with
sun…but I know to do that
would take away my caution
the one thing that marks me as
me & no one else

and this "me" this person I’ve
evolved to be is so very
intriguing as I find
myself reading my words &
hearing thoughts echo in my
head & wondering where all
of this anger, this passion, this
emotion comes from

it’s time for me to go & for the
life of me, I don’t want to…don’t
want to see that face again
that turns me inside out
can’t stand to hear the
words I want & hate to hear
am not able to bear the
comfort I feel in those arms

my heart & my psyche are
battling, having an incredible
war…I’ve no clue what will
win, only hope no one gets hurt
because I know what I am
capable of & am also aware
of what I’ve never been
& strive to be

so many thoughts let out at
once has made me tired & very
hesitant, but I know I have to
have to…have to what?

have to go & tuck my fears away
& bring out the smile & the laugh
I don’t want to ruin any plans,
but a part of me is resisting
I thought I’d conquered it & now
it’s resurfacing again

will I ever let go? will I ever
live the dream I buried in the
sand? patience is not a strength
of mine & sometimes, neither is

the words on lavender paper
creep into my mind & the
butterflies are reborn…I wish
I was one of them, that I could
tuck my self away & emerge as
something new & delicate &

the sun is setting & I’m late
GOD help me do this, be with e
every step of the way, console me
as you have never before & I
will not ask another thing of You

five weeks are left & all my
question will start being
answered…I hope they are the
ones I want, but an unwilling
to admit to

copyright 2000
its okay i too have lived, things happen
to everyone...what person has a
right to find fault with another?
I will borrow patience from Job
Job we are all worth idolizing but
perhaps shouldn't carry it too
far...someone i once fell deeply
in love with i had found very
homely at first...my how that
what's it to you?
who go