"This is a good opportunity to practice asking women out instead of fantasizing about them until they can't possibly not disappoint you" "I want you to be a good man." "I think it's about lowering your expectations. Like, you love someone without attaching to that love. That way you can be open and accepting of them and not disappointed when they aren't what you assume. 'Love without hope' isn't about feeling unrequited I don't think. I think it's about not loving someone because you want something." "Here's an idea: what if you date her to find out whether you actually like her instead of trying to decide before you date her?" "Or perhaps what you wanted became possibly real and now you don't want it anymore"
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(i don't know about that dating to see if you like her thing; i think that sort of casual dating ends up hurting people. the 'yeah, so i don't like you like that' conversation sucks.)
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"men always make me into the manic_pixie_dream girl too. and the trouble is that you have ALREADY made her into the manic pixie dream girl. and the problem is that she is going to disappoint you. she will disappoint you. because you have already placed her on a pedestal. and then she will be sad because another man was disappointed in her because he placed her on a pedestal" "i feel like you have already planned a life with her and it wouldn't be fair to her to put her through that." "but be very careful. men building you up and leaving you when they get to know you makes you hard and bitter, and she deserves better than that."
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"i trust that you will not be an asshole and stop texting her when you realize you don't really like her, but i also feel like when your attention lessens it will hurt because that is just something that hurts."
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"that girl might like you back."
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"Yes. It is a nice thing. But I told him he could not do it again and that if he wanted to keep talking he could not woo me because I would be wooed and then it would mean I wold have to pull back. WHYYY DO THESE MEN WHO LOVE ME NOT LIVE IN AUSTIN" to which I responded, it's the fantasy. in real life they are different. there's something about the fantasy and loving someone because_the_internet provides this lens or vortex or vacuum where you can create whatever you want about the person and as long as you never have to meet them it never stops being true. I need to undo so many aspects of my life. pocket_friend
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What I said to you: Whatever, you can do this. You're a tough cookie. You got this. I am not worried about you. This will only hurt as much as anything else. This is not different. You should feel good for as long as you can. Even if it ends, this won't break you. You are basically invincible.
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"i don't like women who complain about how men make them the manic_pixie_dreamgirl when really they are so much more than that but then act like children when people ask them out. if you want to be an adult woman with depth, be a fucking adult woman for christ's sake." (her words not mine)
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We all like to make people happy, only you are responsible for your happiness. And also no one likes to hurt other people, but your sadness is solely your responsibility. Or something like that. It is mostly gone.
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"Life is like this, Bobby. Nothing ever is good that appears to be good. We all know this. There is always a fine print the universe does not actually let you read."
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"it was a microcosm. it was also a lot like austin, where awful shit happens to me and i try to talk about it and people keep saying "YOU'RE HERE TO HAVE A GOOD TIME, HAVE A GOOD TIME"
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(the universe lets you read the fine print if you know how to read it open_mind open_heart )
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I am basically just having a lot of shame feelings that seem to stem from being behind on work and also from my family acting like my investment in social justice is some weird knee jerk fad that I will grow out of. Also I have a fear that I will indeed grow out of my concern for social justice, leaving future-me to blame for the intractable nature of social problems.
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"i also think about the yoga teacher who says that we believe resolution is our birthright and it's not, and sometimes things are just messy and we have regret about them, but you just have to live with that or find a way to accept things as they are."
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brb getting a fucking salad like goddamn devil bride
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i am an egotistical asshole because i won't go on another date with someone that didn't respect me the first time around...i am beginning to feel there is no point in me interacting with other humans anymore. i live in a absurdly expensive west coast city being overrun by tech bros (that are beating up the gay people they gentrified out of the 'gayborhood'). not the kind of people i want to associate with anyways.
what's it to you?