Dafremen We have started. It has been a matter of taking_it_to_the_streets in this most recent effort for 9 days now.

There is much work to be done and there are so many of you that would like to see change.

There ARE no retributions for raising your voice, unless you consider lighting a flame that sets the world alight a retribution.

We need those of you who want something better. We need you at least to show your numbers so that those numbers can inspire others that would act. It doesn't take much. Come discuss this change with us. Come talk with us and share your ideas. Is that anymore than you would be spending your time doing here anyhow?

Yes, there is silliness to be had and to be enjoyed, but there is a somber, saddened side to most of you as well.

The side that wishes mom, dad, the wife or the kids would spend just a LITTLE more time looking into your eyes and laughing with you..listening to you.

Many of us come here, because it is here that we find that sense of community that we cannot find elsewhere. Many of us come here because we are allowed to express ourselves without fear of anything more than the occasional digital graffiti artist.

My life is dedicated now to making the world a better place. There is no turning back for me, my career lies in ruins, and good riddance. What gain is there for me in good food, good drink, ice cars and big houses, when all of those things come at a cost to you and the others around me?

I cannot ask you to believe my beliefs. Nor would I want you to.

Freedom is my lover and humanity my friend. Your character, diginity and individual personalities are my solace and my teacher. Your beliefs are yours, and would that the universe would see them soar as you have imagined that they should.

At least...come share them with us. Come tell us what your dreams for unity and a better world are. At the very worst, you will have blathered. At the very best, you will have taken a step toward making those dreams come true.

We are at:

Come share your ideas with us..speak and we will listen, and between us, perhaps we CAN find a better way.


Dafremen The following additions have been made to make it easier to participate:

There is now an MSN account already set up for those who either want to post anonymously, or those who do not want to sign up for an MSN account.

You'll find the anonymous password and account name under a post titled "Please read's important."

In addition, there is now a to make it easier to remember the URL.

Eventually, people are going to realize that we don't want anything more than to hear your ideas so that we can figure out what it is that our COMMON vision for cooperation and unity is.

Some of the questions you will encounter here are things like:
"What are your interests?"
"What do you think about?"
"What would you like to see from a group dedicated to unity?"
"What do you think of when unity comes to mind?"
"Do you have any ideas that might help to promote cooperation between people, nd if so what are they?"

Like blather, there are no rules with one major exception:

No arguments, debates, criticisms or anything that fosters division between people.

It's really that simple. 5 minutes of your time to speak your piece and add to the content here is really not that much, and yet it's really so much more than you might think it is.

I'm so sure that we can do something to create positive change in the world, that I'm devoting 8+ hours a day to this. This IS my job.

The emails have been very encouraging, keep em coming, but getting a discussion group started is DIFFICULT and if only two or three participate, almost impossible.

If we can just make our NUMBERS known, let folks know how many of us even CARE about fostering unity and goodwill, it will inspire others to participate as well. Eventually, a picture will begin to form.

If you can find 5 minutes or so to add your input, your participation would be greatly appreciated.


sab already there
i started the sab division years ago
misstree i want to see it all burn.
such passion for it, i could cry,
like some Fangirl of the apocalypse,
the flames would be so beautiful, so bright,
it's too sick to fix, it's terminal it's
infested with Plaguebearers, it'll be
prettier to watch the sunset than
to watch the bligted crops grow.
kookaburra everyone in america-donate 10 dollars to a charity each month.
world changed.
Anti-Moore Coalition the_'vote_for_change'_tour 040804
- anti_moore_film_'fahrenheit_911'_festival 040804
what's it to you?
who go