Both were able to formulate powerful critiques of each other.
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strangely it didn't work out the same in the age old cannibalism vs vegetarianism debate. ...
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and if republicans take control of congress this fall because obama's health care bill is 'communist' i'm gonna need to find me a canadian husband and quick
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just go to quick canadian husbands.com! quick to wed! quick in bed! that's quickcanadianhusbands.com! ...
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oh! but are you from the 18th century?
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Fuck Both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Where is the synthesis? The change we need goes far beyond more or less taxes. Ownership needs to be redefined so that it is no longer a prime motivator in a society that is no longer driven to consume. Getting there may be a little tricky
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the_fundamental_interconnectedness_of_all_beings where i live is one of the most segregated cities in america. the community i live in is a ten minute city drive from the worst part of the inner city. people in this village have more police per capita than 'across the river' and live in fear and horror. the disparity, fear, callousness, is a major factor in the problems in this city. while my student bitches about not being able to afford her taxes, she just bought a house on the richest street in this city; she takes violin lessons. she drives her daughter to the outer suburbs to ride horses. and ten minutes from where she lives people can't afford to eat or dress themselves or their families. taxes is really the only way to ensure some kind of common denominator in quality of life. cause i'll be damned if most of the people that live on lake drive would donate that money to social programs otherwise. the american public needs to downsize their expectations of the 'american dream' like companies here have downsized jobs. do you really need a 4000 sq ft mansion for four people, a tv in every bedroom, a car for every driver? especially when there are people that live a short bus trip away from you that can't afford to eat three meals a day. the excess, gluttony, and greed in this society make me sick. doesn't help that my political rage is pretty high these days. the more we keep for ourselves the more someone else is going without. is sick of hearing people say 'socialism' and 'communism' like they are dirty words
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I agree, a more equitable distribution of wealth through taxation is desperately needed. What I'm trying to discover is a way to calm the feverish need to acquire and consume. Rapacious materialism is destructive of all of us.
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the fact that the bus system in milwaukee is the same price as public transportation in new york city shows (at least me) that the poor are taxed more heavily than the wealthy and if the county executive that made this a reality for me ends up governor, i really need to get the fuck out of wisconsin. (he is backed by the tea party and the most conservative/vehement pro life douchebags in the state) looks like what my political science teacher twelve years ago had to say isn't true anymore. the_middle_path doesn't win you votes. money_is_our_vote i believe taxation is really the only way to get most americans to do their fair share for their neighbors. sad_but_true
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(i think there needs to be commercials on tv to the affect: do the things you own really make you happy? did meeting your financial goals this year really make you happy? would it surprise you to know that there are thousands (if not millions) of people in your city/town/village that can't afford to go to the doctor when they get sick or eat when they are hungry or buy their children new clothes when they outgrow the ones that fit them now? would you volunteer at your local food pantry to help people you see on the street everyday be able to eat? would you give the next bum that asked you for it a dollar? (and i would not be surprised at the amount of people that answer those questions with a resounding 'no')
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. unhinged_in_seattle a slightly more diverse city a slightly calmer unhinged things have just finally started to fall apart here but bill gates is still pumping a lot of money into it
what's it to you?