. elections are complete fraud 100730
r_r . 101019
unhinged capitalism_communism

i have a vague sense of dread about the upcoming election, much like i did the year douchebag dubya was reelected. the majority of the american public is so ignorant and selfish that i have a feeling this election is going to turn out bad. at least from my perspective.

i was just having a short conversation with one of my adult students yesterday about politics and taxes but i quickly changed the subject. she just bought a new house on the lake this summer because real estate was cheap and said 'i don't think our kids can afford this' i guess meaning current economic policies. i'm sure she didn't care that a five minute drive from where she lives there are kids who are hungry, don't have clothes that fit, or parents or teachers (the public school situation in milwaukee is at a crisis point) that care because people like her on the excess side of the income inequality gap don't want to pay taxes.


(is a socialist loud and proud)
Strideo What you just said about her is horrible.
unhinged (yes it was. and probably not true. but there are a surprising amount of people in this city like that. the common conservative bent being 'why do i have to help people that won't help themselves?'

i get a little irrational and extreme on the topic, but caring and doing nothing is just as bad as not caring at all no?)

has a tendency towards gross generalization when she's upset
unhinged and i am also more than tired of the system that has perverted the constitution and all the other idealistic history that used to make our country great into a money machine that generally doesn't give two shits about the welfare of it's people

everyone should have food to eat

and the fact that a small percentage of people with power and money are still preventing that from happening makes me sick
fghio fghio :( 101114
shpaaaaaaaaaaaa shpaaaaaaaaaaaa I did not post the above 110228
unhinged tell me i'm wrong now

when it is a proven fact that the newly elected douchebag of this state was elected on the funds of capitalist libertarian billionaires directly and indirectly. and that that was not a mistake; that those fuckers targeted this state because if they can destroy the unions in progressive wisconsin they can destroy them anywhere.

i am sad about this; i am sad of the state of this country.

i am angry that governor douchebag will not even negotiate his radical conservative agenda. that he thinks that governor equals dictator. tomorrow he is expected to announce that his way to save wisconsin is to cut hundreds of millions of dollars in educational funding that will cost thousands of teachers jobs.

but all the idiots voted for him on the basis that he said he was going to CREATE jobs in wisconsin. as a responsible voter, all you assholes should have looked at his record as county executive here in milwaukee. he cuts taxes for the rich while cutting off the legs of the poor. refuses to raise taxes while the cost of everything is going up, allowing him and a small percentage of his friends to keep money in their pockets while people are going to be forced out of their homes.

wonderful state and country i live in. just wonderful.
what's it to you?
who go