Doar about meeting a blatherskite and the conversation you might have?

Talk about the weather, the sports, the meaningless?

How would you do that?

I've met two blatherers and the meeting was not bad but we didn't discuss anything related to blather. How come?

Why, when we are so needful to speak upon an website that professes to be for everyone, that we are not ourselves when we meet in person?

Trying to realize, that hey, this person is not the typed word?

I don't know.

Carry on Peeps. Carry on.

n o m i'm pretty sure that on the first occasion of our meeting and on the phone we did discuss blather to some degree. as i recall, i told you i read your blathes (a word i believe you pronounced different than me, - if i remember correctly you pronounced blathe like bathe or blade, though maybe i am mistaken or confusing you with one of the 3 other skites i have met 'in person'), and that i had read your 'about you' and expressed on several occasions my concern///...we went over the whole 'who else from blather have you met/talked with' thing, i told you my blather crush at the time and whose writings i enjoyed and some other things,//and on the second time we met (again briefly) at the palomino in calgary i was playing a show, and was glad you came and told my friends how i knew you though not directly naming blather or your blathername for privacy sake. but whatever, we all remember things differently. anyway i'm pretty sure no_reason and i have talked a bunch about blather and skites as well, we've blathered together. also my boyfriend has blathered and you met him. most of the time when i am talking i don't talk 'about blather', most of my writing in blather is not 'about blather', so i also don't see why that should necessarily dominate the conversation upon meeting face to face, eventhough i believe we did tallk about it some, that was some years ago now. 110729
n o m i guess what i am trying to say is that i feel i was/am 'myself' in person.../// though maybe you expected something else from your meetings.... 110729
Doar I apologize Nom. This is a direct relation to the addiction I deal with. My memory is fading.

n o m well i'm sorry too. and still wishing the best for you. if i might make a suggestion, have you ever considered ayahuasca treatment? i say considered because i believe it has a very high success rate in treating addiction and other health matters. it is something i have been doing a bunch of looking into for several reasons (just got back from brazil but going back for this). maybe it would help you too...


n o m also i hope no_reason doesn't mind my saying we've talked a bunch about blather and skites, but i swear (most of it ;) was nice you guys and girls and gods 110802
ergo I still do on occasion. 110802
n o m also sorry doar if my ayahuasca suggestion is unasked for, just something on my mind right now. anyway as i've said before, take care 110802
n o m also i meant 4 not 3 in my earlier post, don't mean to leave anyone out. yes i have met 5 skites in person. yep. i probably talked about the weather... 110802
Doar I thank you nom, for the suggestion of the ayahuasca treatment. I'll do some research, but again I thank you. Not only for the help but for returning your friendship after the whole episode earlier.

no reason yeah i don't know if it's a "blather-specific thing" in my case; sometimes upon first meeting someone (even if we've "met" on the internet) i'm a bit more reserved or at least don't go into depth about myself. but i'm probably less "myself" in normal situations than others. that's a whole different issue, though.

but i guess i don't feel the need to talk to people about blather? also sometimes i find the weather interesting? but yes nom and i have gossiped about you all. okay maybe that's a lie. ish.
() (yes, i have, but i find it hurts, so i rarely do it these days) 110804
n o m doar, i hope you take care! you have been a friend to me so i thank you as well.

"Could Natural Treatments Have Helped Amy Winehouse?" - http://www.foxnews.com/health/2011/07/25/psychedelics-for-drug-addiction/
n o m also, i can be shy. but i have found at times for instance with no_reason that i have felt it has been easier to be myself around her or that we knew each other already to some degree when we met. (actually i haven't seen her for a long time, and i miss getting to hang out), maybe it is something about her personality, or blather, i am not sure,....but i would love to meet more (especially specific) skites and talk about everything, or nothing, or the weather or whatever. what is meaningless anyway? 110804
In_Bloom Oh sure, many times.
hsg is in my neck of the woods so I've imagined we'd meet up for a trek through some rocks and brush, maybe to cave to rest in while contemplating to harvest some prickly pears off the paddle cactus or for me to pull out my 9mm and use them as target practice.~
what's it to you?
who go