I hate my fucking life! I seriously wonder why I even fucking try anymore. I honestly wish death upon a group of people i can't stand. Everyone tells me you'll feel different at the 20th anniversary, but quite honestly... I hate them now, and I don't see myself liking them anymore then, than I do now. I'm so tired of watching these people breeze through life using mommy and daddy's connections, or using their amazingly good looks. I'm not dreadfully ugly, but quite honestly, I don't feel that I need to show off my appearance just to get something fucking done. I'd rather use my talent. but I guess driving 2.5 hours both ways for orchestra for the last 2 fucking years means jack shit. I guess picking up a viola and learning a song in 2 days means nothing. I am so fucking sick of this!!! Why do I even bother??!?!?!
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what they have in connections and looks, and other superficial things for that matter, is what they lack in character. which you, to all appearances, do not lack in any measure, my dear. strength to persist, devotion to continue despite the overwhelming urge to say "fuck off." this is the stuff of which real change is made... and that, I feel, is what needs to happen sooner rather than later. yes, you will hate them later, so why not hate them now? let that be a cleanse for your self, a pain to remember, and an impetus to start anew. may these words burn into resolve and eventually even laughter... I, for one, am with you. blather on, oh angry one, for the sun himself is nothing more than the irritation of molecules too close to their ignorant selves to bear any longer.
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otay, not everyone who's good-looking and has connections is superficial. these people don't ask for an easy life any more than others ask for a difficult life. it's all luck. bad or good, it's just luck. if you hold it against people that they are attractive, rich, well-connected, it's the EXACT same thing as holding it against other people that they are ugly, poor, or totally on their own. no one ever seems to stand up for the lucky and popular people around here.
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I could seriously scream right now! how the hell could you do that? I waited for over a fucking year for you to get a goddamn clue!!! For you to feel something in return for me... and only when I'm finally moving on, trying to be happy do you suddenly realize, that well although, you're still not ready, you're not sure if it's love, but it's definitely more than friends!!!!!!!! What the Fuck?!!?!? please explain it to me because i don't get it! the only thing that keeps running through my head is a line from a very crappy movie " 'When a woman loves two men she must choose between them' 'I choose you' 'your will chooses me, your heart chooses him.' " What the hell am I supposed to do? I just don't know. If I choose one, the other's gone for good, if I choose the other, I may be unhappy for the rest of my life because of this decision...
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stupid bitch. ahrial can go suck dillon have fun, whore.
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I agree with nocturnal. Just because I got the easy life doesn't mean that it works out all the time. I do shit that is stupid and messes everthing up. I do bad in school. My football coach makes me run for hours. Everyone thinks I'm perfect, so when I do something that is slightly wrong the punishment is magnified to a degree that seems absured. Everyone takes everything I say so seriously that I hurt someone almost everytime I speak. People like enriquecito hate me cause they think just because I came in on a red carpet, it doesn't bunch up and make me trip sometimes.
what's it to you?