someone who can be unattractive and not necessarily witty and urbane and suave, but can happily run rings around abstract math like there's no tomorrow... play around with concepts, say "hell yeah, that's bloody awesome" where other people say "you're a geek" and in general just be a intellectually gorgeous possibly or probably introverted is okay, as long as he's open-minded and stuff deep-down-inside, and generally a cool person under the glasses and the silent scribbling of integrals could you have him delivered by monday god? then i could get over the stupid boys the stupid pretty boys who are halfway intelligent, because they say hey, shit, where'd you get that from, yeah, i follow, but don't really care, and are too busy creating images of themselves anyway, making some kind of uber slacker persona thing really - they're kind of wrapped up in being boys, 18 all playing poker tonight (you do that) so you're cool, you're leet, you're awesome, please get out of my heart
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a *nix geek or maybe a poet someone who groks c++ or spontaneously philosophizes someone who sees beauty in everything someone who i could show blather to without being afraid even if it wasn't his thing ... that's all i want, i think
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hows that going, anne_girl? too bad the only ones who are remotely intellectual seem to be gay. t'aint fair, i tell thee!
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i feel your pain, dude(tte)... i vote we start a genetic engineering lab, mix up the brain chemicals, sprinkle with DNA, and make some decent boys ourselves! we'd need some Fast-Gro (tm) potion for quick arrival, but I think there's potential... whaddya think?
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wow you have it all sorted! hmmm thats actually scarily organised... but what the hell that would be fab! i'm up for mixing up DNA any day. As long as the world doesn't blame us for when we muck it up and the weird hybrids we make don't come after us and try to eat us like in 28 Days Later. That's pretty damn scary. but yeah, go for it! i think we should get us some fairy dust and try to make peter pan - hell, he has an island full of guys who we can genetically tamper with to make them almost as intelligent as us! is getting slightly carried away...
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how 'bout we isolate our creations in a lab on the moon, or something... then we could always, er, let our strange genius hybrids do what they wanted to (assuming they don't build a spaceship out of moonrocks) i never liked peter pan... he seemed a bit arrogant, callous and all that - a tad too concerned with fighting pirates or was that just in the movie? damn disney.... but yeah, the Lost Boys sound excellent - maybe a bit psychologically unstable, but aren't we all? *pulls out fizzling beakers and fairy dust*
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true true, nobody likes a guy who's too focussed on irrelevant things, especially fighting pirates. PAH! so on the moon, you say? what a brilliant plan! except they will be geniuses (genii?) and they will in fact be able to strand us there whilst they fly off to [insert planet here] to tell them of our infamy. clearly we have to stop flying/wandering away, or all of our precious chemicals and even rarer DNA will be WASTED! i think we should 'accidentally' spill some fairy dust and sparkles into the ordinary gene pool ^_^ adds interest, non? then with all our lab we could create the coolest things! *dances* is there anything we've forgotten?
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ah yes...... we forgot the evil laughter. MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! MWAHA....MWAHA...MWAHAHAHAHAHA! *coughs* yeah i'm done now. sorry bout that.
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muhahahhahahaha ooh! ooh! i have an idea! sprinkling faerie dust ourselves could get really, really tiring... so how 'bout we use our lab to make faeries (NICE faeries, not the bitchy Tinkerbell type) to spread the faerie dust for us!!? (as well as conveniently *cough cough* dropping our phone numbers by prospective fairy-dust-sprinkled brilliant-boy candidates) then all we have to do is wait...
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Sounds like this is a job for User24 ah_but_he_has_a_girlfriend
what's it to you?